Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Mid April next year will suit both Passover and Easter. One month earlier Ramadan ends on March 30. Mod aMAarch for that holiday and and they seem to like the smaller ram lambs for that.

Don't know what my 18 ram and wether lambs brought yet. DS1 had the check mailed to California. I have decided to use the new Patton ram on the entire flock of ewes. DS1 will put on his harness and crayon and turn him in with the ewes. Then after a month, I will pull him out and 2 weeks later turn in either Moyboy or Junior as a clean up ram. DS1 needs a second fenced area for the other rams.

DH plans to leave on Tuesday to come back to CA for tests etc. Then he will return to TX the first week in September hauling all DD2's stuff to their new apartment. I'm not sure what town it is, but they found a 1 BR apartment that takes dogs north of Dallas. :rolleyes: DD2 told her daddy that it is larger than the 2 BR they had in CA so they think it will work. It allows dogs. I don't know how they will arrange it with only 1 bedroom but that is their lookout. I would put the children in the bedroom with all their stuff since they will be going to bed earlier than the parents. Depending in the size of the LR, they can divide it with screens or curtains into a BR nook and living space. Maisie will only be with them for the summer and Christmas vacations. The apartment complex has a pool and is walking distance to Annabel's school.

While DH returns to CA, DS1 will work on instsllijg the waterlines from the well to the barn and garden. Brian is building the metal rack to hold the new farm meter. Once that is installed Oncor will install the second meter. Once that is in DS1 will put in the conduit and electric lines to the tool shed, well, and barn.

I am going to order the Codon punch and stuff from GeneCheck to test my rams for 171. Will also test some of the foundation ewes. Not worrioed about scrapie but it is a selling aid. My grandsons will make me a website for our sheep. I plan to cut the breeding flock by about 15 ewes, 3 ram lambs, and quite a few ewe lambs.

I contacted the USDA person in Quitman about my application for rotational grazing fencing and found out that it was not submitted. Apparently they just gave me a FSA number. That explains why I did not hear from them in the spring. The new paperwork will be out in October and I will submit it then. I also have to make up another property map of the proposed pastures. This time I will have the water source in place so it should be good. I am considering selling all of next year's lambs to pay for the fencing.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Yes I think it will be a good proving ground for the new embryo ram. If DS1 and I see anything we are crazy about we can hold on to that one or earmark that cross for a repeat breeding.

I called Gene Check today to check out their Datamar punch andhow they do the DNA testing. They do a lot of testing on all types of stuff. I decided to order the puncher and wome of the tester containers. You can keep the samples at room temperature in the containers for several years before sending them in to be tested. Then once the samples are in their dta base, they keep the samles for 5 years and you can request additional testing for other genetic stuff. I will test my rams first along with several of the original foundation ewes that I still have. Also I am interested in testing for the Booroola gene which determines multiple births. If I have a ewe who singles a couple times, I will have her tested to see if she carries the multiple gene. If she is only going to single I will sell her. It could be a good tool to rule out keeping ewes that will not be reliable twinners. The punch tool does not cost any more than a standard tagger and the receptacles are $2.75 each. Once you have the parents' Codon 171 values you only have to test before sale. I don't care about the Codon 171 testing, but it will widen the buyer pool for me on breeding sheep.

Well another hiccup on the road to happiness in Texas - DH called today and said that the "check engine" light wason inthe trucl onFriday so they put it in the shop this morning and the turbo is out again! Our "favorite shop" replaced it 2 years ago o no longer under warranty. He is hoping to get it replaced in Sulphur Springs in time to make it back for his cardiac CT scan on Thursday. I am waiting for a call back from the CT people to see if I can move the scan further out. :he

Also DS1 called yesterday and said that we will have to put more posts in the ground along the rear fence line and set them deeper in concrete. When the flooding washed out the area in the back under the fence, it also washed out dirt along the fenceline and now the T's on the T-posts are showing above the ground! It never ends. Fence repairs on a fence that has not even been in the ground for a year! DS1 says he wants to get it done fast before we have a problem since the original T-posts are maintaining tension on the wire. I figure the water was able to wash out the dirt probably because we had all that rear line cleared of brush and shrubbery. Clearing the gully of brush on the higher end is why our fence washed out here in California last year. The underbrush kept the ground and dirt anchored in place. Maybe we will have to do something on the rear fence line to direct water away or maybe plant blackberries bushes along that rear fenceline. They are easy to propagate by cutting pieces of vines and covering them with dirt along there. They will make a good netting for holding the dirt in place. And I can pick blackberries in the summer. LOL

We planned to used the blue tractor and auger to drill the holes for more posts BUT the tractor has a trasnsmission problem. Apparently DH hit some rocks and broke the shear pin on the mower. Not a problem since that is what the shear pin is designed to do so it won't wreck the mower. However, after replacing the shear pin, the tractor will not shift gears to work. DH called and told me to have the tractor repair guy come out and fix it but since he is leaving for CA this week, I told him there was no point. The tractor guy takes a week to get out and even if he came out immediately, DH can't get anything else done until he returns. I will call the tractor guy and have him go out when DH returns to TX the first week in September.
:barnie:he So back to considering a condo. :gig

DS1 called this am and said that the lambs did better than expected at the auction. He also said that the lady that quoted $1.50 yardage the day they dropped them off was talking about the yardage charge for cattle. Waiting for the check to see what the scruffy little ones did compared to the larger ones that DS1 said looked ok. Hoping that prices are better for the larger ones than I was worried they would be. :fl


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I hope you did better at auction than I did. There were always plenty of good buyers at Emory.

Turbo is out? Oh PHOOEY!!!!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Get the tractor guy out and get it apart to find out what the problem is. There might have to be parts ordered... may take time... You don't need it down for weeks AFTER you get back to TX... DS1 is a grown man, he can take care of dealing with the tractor people.. Best time for it to be getting fixed is when you are NOT THERE and not needing it.
If you are using TX ag stuff, get the checks sent to your TX address.... it could come into question with all the regs they come up with all the time...if the checks are mailed so far out of state... as opposed to a neighboring state.... DS1 can take a check to the bank and do a "for deposit only" on it....


Herd Master
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX area
Also DS1 called yesterday and said that we will have to put more posts in the ground along the rear fence line and set them deeper in concrete. When the flooding washed out the area in the back under the fence, it also washed out dirt along the fenceline and now the T's on the T-posts are showing above the ground! It never ends. Fence repairs on a fence that has not even been in the ground for a year! DS1 says he wants to get it done fast before we have a problem since the original T-posts are maintaining tension on the wire. I figure the water was able to wash out the dirt probably because we had all that rear line cleared of brush and shrubbery. Clearing the gully of brush on the higher end is why our fence washed out here in California last year.
You will want to put is some shallow (~6") ditches tractor blade wide that parallel fence then turn to it in places of your choosing / established location. Those will keep entire fence line from washing out with wide surface flow flooding. Then smooth the spot under fence deeper and line with some 4-6" rock to prevent more erosion. You want H braces w with post set deep into concrete on either side. Then use high tensile wire to support chain link or cattle panel as the water gate that swings up in flood to cover gap under woven wire.

This is what I've researched and been recommended by long time ranchers for fixing my fence. They said drainage spot about every 600ft along fenceline. I'm still saving pennies to implement, sigh.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Fence is now repaired with chain link "cloth" applied in bad spots. Per DS1 we will repair the entire length of fencelie this year after other items (water and electric lines) are done. Ozel released back into sheep pastures to make sure fence is repaired and no other "holes". Very annoyed that new expensive fence is getting washed out during heavy rains.

Tractor is also working. DH is not sure what he did or didn't do, but it s running niow. They used it with the auger to drill channels under fences for the electric sleeves to the meter bracket.

Truck will not be repaired in time for DH to return for appointment on Thursday. However, I moved that appointment to August 30. Sulphur Springs shop ordered wrong year turbo. Had to reorder so truck will hopefully be finished by the end of the week. If not DH will return in car since he has his pulmonary test appointment on Monday. Not sure how not having the truck will work out since he is supposed to haul DD2's furniture and household goods to Texas first week in September. 16' stock trailer is here in California, but not sure DS2 will loan black truck to move their stuff to TX. Then we will have same problen with having car here and having to drive it back! AGAIN! I reminded everyone that DSIL2 could/should rent a U-Haul truck for furniture and tow their car back on a tow bar. Not sure what will happen and don't really care. Tired of DH trying to do stuff for everyone! Also not willing to pay gas for DH to drive back and forth to Texas with DD2's stuff. I am a quality Alpha B###h!

PT is continuing and therapist is pleased with movement. Yesterday knee was swollen and stiff because the day before I over exercised it. Then I stepped up funny causing a sharp pain in the knee. Had to take pain pill to sleep. But therapist says that I am doing great with bend and straightening measurements. Surgery will be one month ago tomorrow! Much further ahead with this partial replacement than I was with the full replacement at same time after surgery. On the other hand I was afraid to put full weight on knee with first replacement - was afraid I would "break" it. :lol:

Laying and sitting around doing nothing but knee exercises is truly boring. Luckily little grandchildren are cute. DS2, DDIL2 and kids are leaving Friday night for Minnesota to visit DDIL's relatives. Warned them that state bird is a mosquito! LOL She said she has packed lots of insect repellant! They are leaving on the midnight flight.
Back to booooring exercises. :caf I do have a set of knee bends that I do at the computer but can only do so many. Sigh . . . .


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Just talked to DH and DS1. Everything is ready for Oncar to run the electrical to the new meter. DH will rent the trencher and put in the water and electric lines while DH is in CA. They are not sure if the truck will be finished in time since DD2 has to get Maisie back to her birth mother in CA by Saturday. That mens they have to leave by Thursday.
DH said he is coming back in the car if they can't get the truck fixed in time.

DS1 told me that currently Yantis is having hot weather with the nights dropping to 75 degrees so I told DS1 to IMMEDIATELY put the new ram in with the ewes. The article Baymule posted said that lower temps at night will contribute to a better rate of breeding.

All ewes except the very young lambs are breedable. I think he has already pulled all the young 2024 ewe and ram lambs off them. He will put the ram in and then can run everyone through the chute when he changes the harness. Any ram lambs left in there will be banded and left to grow with the ram lambs for sale this winter. The 2024 ewe lambs will be put in a separate pen. Once I return to Texas DS1 and I will go through the bred ewes and decide which ones to sell off as exposed. I will advertise them with pedigrees.

Absolutely breeding patterns are not going to be the same. For one thing I plan breed for fall, winter, and early summer lambs. I plan to avoid breeding for spring lambs due to parasites and coccy. Rotational grazing leaving minimum 4" grass on the grazed pastures and moving them through tothenext pasture faster should help. Also having DH cut the high old growth after we move them onto the new pasture will help speed regrowth. I need to do soil tests to see if we need to lime the poastures. According to the county agent Wood County has an acid soil. We need to aim for a PH of around 7-7.5. We put chicken litter on and that will lower the PH factor so probably need to lime this year.

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