Mike CHS
Herd Master
They did turn out pretty!
I hope he is smart enough to not have to get hurt before he figures out Ringo isn't going to be his buddy anytime soon.Sentry got the message.
Bay, all your lambs are gorgeous!!!! Nice, long backs, long legs and spectacular coloring all around! That Ringo is some kind of stud boy...worth his wt in gold. LOVE those red lambs, especially. You must be so very proud of this lamb crop!What would a thread about Ringo be without pictures of his lambs? I posted on my lambing thread, but here are pics of his beautiful lambs.
The brown and white spotted lamb is a ewe, named Latigo. Keeper. The white ram lamb is her brother. He’s standing on a stump. Dinner.
Here’s Aria! Isn’t she beautiful! Barely in the picture is the ram lamb that had the floppy front feet. They straightened up and he runs and plays. Floppy Feet was born with his front feet flat, walking on his pasterns, but he's fine now.
One of Miranda’s twins, both ram lambs. Floppy Feet is photo-bombing. LOL I wish this pretty black lamb was a ewe lamb! Oh well, there is always next year.
Eve had twin ram lambs. This is one of them.
Folks like those colored sheep if they have smallholdings but the commercial guys seem to like the white sheep. I like the colored ones...I love variety out on the grass. Your lambs are beautiful!Thank you @Beekissed Ringo is so sweet. He does throw some beautiful lambs. We are keeping 7 ewe lambs from this group and keeping 2 ram lambs back to grow a little. Naturally the ewes are all white. LOL LOL Those colored lambs brought good prices at auction.