Roll Farms - Herdstock is over, and I'm feeling hung over, lol


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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It really bites to have to cull from the herd with cattle. Goats are so much more personable, it's gonna bite more when I have to thin the goat herd.


Your making good business sense, and doing what is better for your farm and goats in the long run. It will only hurt for a little while.
Run some more ads for your kids. Its Been the Christmas and Holiday season, alot of people just wouldnt bring home a bottle baby right now, and there are probably alot that werent home to see your ads.

Get your head up, lady!


Alpaca Master
Jun 1, 2009
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North Central Ohio
I understand. I don't even have a large herd and have decided that I have to downsize. We just have too much going on and we have to make some tough choices.


True BYH Addict
Jan 7, 2011
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I have to cull 8 to 10 this spring, not looking forward to it. My husband insists they go for meat. Since they will bring 120 to 140 each. But I have refussed to sell one of them to the stockyards and I am going to hopefully find her a pasture to live out her days.

Roll if it makes you feel any better we haven't made a profit in the past 4 years, since feed costs have gone up and our children started showing at 4H. We just keep chugging along. And this year, even though I have 25 does due, I just can't shake the feeling that it is going to be a rough year.

It is a little early in the season to start selling kids, people normally start calling us in February, hang in there.


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
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N. Kentucky
Kim- you are making the tough decisions you have to for the good of your animals. The only reason we are not being killed by the balance sheet right now is taxes and the fact that it is the day before New Year's Eve and my goats are out there eating green grass and not hay.

Keep it up, every business has a bad year. You took some risks this year that didn't pan out. Next time maybe they will.

I may regret this but......... If Nissan has two girls you can HAVE one- if you come and get her. You gave me a good deal on her and that is least I can do. You have helped me far more than you will ever know. I think she is starting to grow an udder. Not entirely sure, it is hard to tell with her big momma belly. By the way- I have no idea what you meant when you said you can't catch her. She walks right up to me and lets me pet her neck. She doesn't like me messing with her head. Of course that may all change the first time I have to drench or stab her.


Loving the herd life
Oct 23, 2009
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Southern IL
Eh. I know what you mean.

I don't even tally up the figures each year. I really don't want to know what the totals are. But I'm going to have to start because I'm getting married this year and i can't keep a bunch of animals that are putting me in debt.

Every year I had all these great plans, and every year something happens and my herd doesn't produce what I had hoped.

This year I had hoped to have 10 registered does kidding. I'm only having like 4.

I lost one of my best does, without ever getting a doeling from her. :/

I have 7 bucks right now. 2 which have been offered for sale for a couple months now and no bites. :he

I had several buyers for babies this fall, and the one doe died during kidding, and the other does turned out to just be fat and not bred. So no sales for me.

Having to sell one of my horses that I raised and trained as a baby, have had for years, and put thousands into her. So far no interest even though I'm offering her for so much less than she is worth. It's hard enough finally making the choice to sell her, and and thought of practically giving her away makes me cringe.

I really need to sit down and figured out something with the critters. Because I'm working a full time job and nearly spending half of every paycheck on animals. Combine that with going to school full time, buying a house, and getting married this year things aren't looking good.

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
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Marion, IN
Thanks for the support, people. I appreciate it.
I'm only paying 4.00 and 4.50 per bale for hay. I get the TSC discount on feed....
Spending $700.00 on does too young to breed, and $1800.00 for a bred doe who didn't produce what I needed her to....hurt me a lot worse than feed bills.
And Penny's mysterious bald spell that the vet came out for...and CAE testing...and testing for copper / selenium levels...and Nissan's retained placenta....and putting Doodle and Hillary down. All those vet bills kicked me in the butt.

The 4 girls are gone. :hit

I'll be alright in a day or so, it's just a sad day. Puffy was my first 'papered' goat. Pokey was 1 day old when I got her and rode home in my lap.
Sure was strange not seeing them in the barn tonight.

Jodie, I appreciate the offer.....but you couldn't pay me to go near Cincinnati traffic again. But thank you, really. And I could touch Nissan all over if I was just out in the pasture messing around. It's only when I *needed* to catch her (shots, hoof checks, etc.) that she runs like a crazy woman. I'm not kidding you, DH, Megan and I spent many hours chasing your new best friend. You just haven't given her reason to run from you yet, lol.

Sunny & the 5 egg layers

Overrun with beasties
Jul 5, 2011
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:hugs I am very sorry to hear that Rolls. :hugs
But you are doing the right thing for your herd. You will miss them and I wouldn't expect anything else from a great goat owner like you. :hugs