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- #451
SA Farm
Herd Master
Yep. I’m pretty much 100% introverted. I’ve been accused of being borderline agoraphobic. I’m okay with that 
Thanks! I will keep y’all updated here and there about the little bun in my oven, for sure!
My hatch went well! 20/24. The ones that didn’t hatch had fully developed, but hadn’t even internally pipped. Quitters, sadly. I sold a few extras of the hatch to keep our numbers down a bit, so DH has 9 BCMs to raise and I have 5 SS. Hoping to have a few girls to keep as I only have a pair at the moment.
Tonight I went out and got some more hatching eggs. Some more BCM to have unrelated ones, some more SS because I cannot resist them no matter how hard I try and some Cochins.
Last year we kept one each of a bunch of different heritage chickens so I could find out what I liked best. Of them all, the SS (of course!) and the Cochins were my favourite - despite the Cochins actually having the most issues. I had a feather picker and one mysteriously died. That said, they are beautiful birds and very sweet natured. Not as sweet as my Specks, but close enough
I might not keep them to breed but rather just raise to sell, though. We’ll see. If any of them have any issues like last year, I won’t be keeping them. I won’t have a heritage breed that isn’t hardy. A few issues the first year could either be a fluke or bad breeding, so I’m giving the breed another chance.
I very seriously considered trying Legbars or having Ameraucanas again, but I think there are enough breeders in my area that more would be redundant. Ameraucanas were fairly new and very hard to find when I started up with them years ago, but now they and EEs are everywhere!
Besides, I’m trying to keep my numbers down. Maybe if I say that often enough, I’ll actually do it
Thanks! I will keep y’all updated here and there about the little bun in my oven, for sure!
My hatch went well! 20/24. The ones that didn’t hatch had fully developed, but hadn’t even internally pipped. Quitters, sadly. I sold a few extras of the hatch to keep our numbers down a bit, so DH has 9 BCMs to raise and I have 5 SS. Hoping to have a few girls to keep as I only have a pair at the moment.
Tonight I went out and got some more hatching eggs. Some more BCM to have unrelated ones, some more SS because I cannot resist them no matter how hard I try and some Cochins.
Last year we kept one each of a bunch of different heritage chickens so I could find out what I liked best. Of them all, the SS (of course!) and the Cochins were my favourite - despite the Cochins actually having the most issues. I had a feather picker and one mysteriously died. That said, they are beautiful birds and very sweet natured. Not as sweet as my Specks, but close enough
I very seriously considered trying Legbars or having Ameraucanas again, but I think there are enough breeders in my area that more would be redundant. Ameraucanas were fairly new and very hard to find when I started up with them years ago, but now they and EEs are everywhere!
Besides, I’m trying to keep my numbers down. Maybe if I say that often enough, I’ll actually do it