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- #471
SA Farm
Herd Master
My little womb gremlin doesn’t allow me to eat anything even remotely chicken, so I’m spared your wrath, @Bruce
Though if I could eat chicken or chicken-like things, I’d be tempted to ask @Baymule for the recipe as chicken is one of MY favourites.
If chicken ends up being my boy’s favourite, I’ll be peeved lol
Sadly, my random free-range pair of chickens had their numbers halved by a stray dog at some point today. A sad reminder why I don’t free-range like I used to. The hen survived unscathed, so I caught her and tossed her into the pen with my breeding stock. My SS rooster took immediate advantage of her off-balance moment to mount her. As if she hadn’t already been traumatized enough

In better news, the 3 goose eggs I’ve had in the bator are fertile and my one goose (Galadriel) has decided to go broody. She should be on about 6 eggs, but I haven’t had the gall to lift her up and check yet. I’m worried Arwen is still laying, so I really have to mark what she’s got so I can pull any others laid or I’m going to have a nightmare staggered hatch to deal with!

My first hatch of chicks are doing well.
Sleep pile! (Older pic)

But I need to move them out of the basement soon as they’re starting to fly out of their bin. Temps outside are starting to look better, so I’m going to get that set up for them ASAP. I had intended to keep them in until the next batch was ready to hatch, but I don’t have anything stable enough to use as a heat-lamp-proof cover and usually don’t keep them in longer for a week because of that.
Ah, farming. There’s always something more to do. I love it

Though if I could eat chicken or chicken-like things, I’d be tempted to ask @Baymule for the recipe as chicken is one of MY favourites.
If chicken ends up being my boy’s favourite, I’ll be peeved lol
Sadly, my random free-range pair of chickens had their numbers halved by a stray dog at some point today. A sad reminder why I don’t free-range like I used to. The hen survived unscathed, so I caught her and tossed her into the pen with my breeding stock. My SS rooster took immediate advantage of her off-balance moment to mount her. As if she hadn’t already been traumatized enough

In better news, the 3 goose eggs I’ve had in the bator are fertile and my one goose (Galadriel) has decided to go broody. She should be on about 6 eggs, but I haven’t had the gall to lift her up and check yet. I’m worried Arwen is still laying, so I really have to mark what she’s got so I can pull any others laid or I’m going to have a nightmare staggered hatch to deal with!

My first hatch of chicks are doing well.
Sleep pile! (Older pic)

But I need to move them out of the basement soon as they’re starting to fly out of their bin. Temps outside are starting to look better, so I’m going to get that set up for them ASAP. I had intended to keep them in until the next batch was ready to hatch, but I don’t have anything stable enough to use as a heat-lamp-proof cover and usually don’t keep them in longer for a week because of that.
Ah, farming. There’s always something more to do. I love it