SA Farm's journal

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
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My little womb gremlin doesn’t allow me to eat anything even remotely chicken, so I’m spared your wrath, @Bruce
Though if I could eat chicken or chicken-like things, I’d be tempted to ask @Baymule for the recipe as chicken is one of MY favourites.
If chicken ends up being my boy’s favourite, I’ll be peeved lol

Sadly, my random free-range pair of chickens had their numbers halved by a stray dog at some point today. A sad reminder why I don’t free-range like I used to. The hen survived unscathed, so I caught her and tossed her into the pen with my breeding stock. My SS rooster took immediate advantage of her off-balance moment to mount her. As if she hadn’t already been traumatized enough :lol: :hide
In better news, the 3 goose eggs I’ve had in the bator are fertile and my one goose (Galadriel) has decided to go broody. She should be on about 6 eggs, but I haven’t had the gall to lift her up and check yet. I’m worried Arwen is still laying, so I really have to mark what she’s got so I can pull any others laid or I’m going to have a nightmare staggered hatch to deal with!
My first hatch of chicks are doing well.
Sleep pile! (Older pic)
But I need to move them out of the basement soon as they’re starting to fly out of their bin. Temps outside are starting to look better, so I’m going to get that set up for them ASAP. I had intended to keep them in until the next batch was ready to hatch, but I don’t have anything stable enough to use as a heat-lamp-proof cover and usually don’t keep them in longer for a week because of that.
Ah, farming. There’s always something more to do. I love it :D =D :rolleyes:


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
My little womb gremlin doesn’t allow me to eat anything even remotely chicken, so I’m spared your wrath, @Bruce
Well you are in LUCK! There is no chicken in "chicken fried steak". It is a method, not a recipe. Basically it is a breaded and fried hunk of cube steak.

If I were at Bay's house I'd hope I could get my hands on my lamb "steak" before she ruined it ;) Then it would be broiled. I don't think I could get away with snagging the whole leg and roasting it (as it should be done).

but I don’t have anything stable enough to use as a heat-lamp-proof cover
Mama Heating Pad brooder

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
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@Bruce I would buy one of those heating pads, but I’ve been stocked up on lamps and bulbs forever and don’t want to invest in another system that does virtually the same thing - even if it’s arguably better. When my heat lamps kip out, I’ll be all over it!

Galadriel is sitting on 9 eggs. I managed to accidentally scare her off her nest the other day and mark them while I was at it. Of course, now she thinks I’m evil and starts honking bloody murder every time she sees me :rolleyes: Doesn’t she remember that I raised her from a wee little day-old? The gall lol
Getting more turkey eggs now. My two older hens, I believe, based on fading. Hopefully the last two first years will start up any day now and I’ll have an incubator full! Once I establish fertility, I was going to see about selling hatching eggs rather than incubate them all myself, but with this lockdown going on... I’ll have to see how it goes. Grow outs usually sell fairly well, so it should be fine either way.


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SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
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I think my geese are starting to co-nest. Arwen was on the nest while Galadriel was outside today and they were both sitting last night. All three were screaming at me today. Good times :rolleyes: I should get a video of it lol
Got the chicks moved out to the brooder shed, so I can get ready for the hatch coming up on Monday. It’s getting difficult to keep track of when things are due when every day runs together!
Foxy is still holding out on me. I swear her ligs have been gone for three days now and she still doesn’t seem very close to lambing. Clearly not like goats in that respect. She is more affectionate than usual, but that’s the only way her behaviour has changed...and even that is very subtle. Lady bits are starting to puff a little bit, but still not enough to signal imminent labour.
Checking out Wiley the other day.
DH has promised to help me shear at least her the next nice day we have. Been all rainy lately - thunderstorm last night - and if I’ve read correctly, I need her completely dry before shearing. With no stand and my back being what it is, DH will have to wrestle her while I get the wool off. I think temps are good enough now that she’ll be good without her coat.
:fl For some nice weather soon! I want her done before she lambs! I hope I’m not going to be too late :\
My next challenge will be kicking the geese off their nest one evening so I can candle their eggs. I can already hear the honking and hissing 😝

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
Perhaps DH could build a stand indoors while it is raining.
He’s been doing a few school projects this week, so I’m trying not to badger him too much! Besides, we need a few things to finish the stand and everything’s pretty much closed this weekend for Easter. If he’d just gone yesterday...:p

Foxy’s bagging up a bit more, but still doesn’t seem close. I’m hoping to get done Saturday when it’s supposed to be decently warm and sunny. As long as the work gets done, I don’t care where I have to do it :)

Galadriel(right) and Arwen(left) are definitely co-nesting now. With Arwen inside, Aragorn is staying closer which means all three of them scream at me when I go in :lol: :hit

So, I was going to go with a Jacob ram again this year, but I’m not really finding one I like...thinking of switching gears. I found some really nice East FriesianXCharollais rams that will be available at weaning that aren’t too far away. Breeder raises them for temperament, milk, and good mothering instincts - all of which are traits important to me. East friesians are often crossed to help with parasite resistance, general health, and mothering abilities as the breed was originally developed with pretty much just milking ability in mind.
I think I’m going to go for it. My herd is already going to be a motly mixture of mutts. Might as well go for a non-horned breed that will give me some nice future udders. Because we all know that I’m going to be keeping a few ewes down the line 😆

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
Today DH and I made 2 full-sized and 3 small lasagnas for the freezer. We’re starting to put together easy to throw together meals for when I’m due. DH’s not a big fan of many casseroles, so it’s great to have them available for when we need them. 6 jars/cans of sauce, 8lbs of ground beef, mushrooms, onions, garlic, and more noodles and cheese than I care to count went into them :drool
I’m not usually much of a cook - that’s more DH’s area of expertise - but he’s taught me a lot and I’m really proud of our accomplishment!

As for the farm, I got a decent pic of all three geese eyeing me today. They decided to take a break from screaming at me for a moment.
Spent some time with the sheepies too, of course. There’s finally a bit of grass for them to nibble, so I hung out with them while they grazed 💞
Foxy seems closer to lambing now. Her backside has dropped a bit and she’s getting puffier. Udder is filling more. I’m thinking this will be the week. I’m also thinking my shearing window is pretty much closed, so I’m going to try to take some strong scissors and trim as best I can without the potential trauma of her first shearing happening so close to lambing. Not ideal, but it’ll have to do for now. As long as she’s cleaned up a bit for ease of access for her lamb, I’ll be happy. It did, after all, snow last night and is calling for more frost this week. Sigh. I’ve moved her to her lambing jug, just to be safe so the girls can see, but not get at each other.
First year with sheep. I’m still learning :rolleyes:
Oh, and apparently DH already has whatever keeper ewelings we’ll have in the future named already. He wants to keep one from Foxy and name it Kit and one from Woolfie and name it Pup.
He’s so adorable :love