Well. After 7.5 hour fill for olive she gave me nearly five cups. she was begging to be milked and I probably could have gotten two more but ralphie thought his little world was ending after having spent from 7 am 'til 1 pm with momma before being separated.. she is a milking power house for sure! Have a family coming to see ralphie hopefully tomorrow and they may be interested in him as a pet which would be great. we will see anyways.
Well, after a rough start to the week I have done some good!
at about 11 PM last night I received a text from a friend that had a screen shot in it of a post on facebook (I do not have an account ) and it was from the Wildlife center asking for goat colostrum for an orphaned fawn in critical condition. Well, I had saved some from Olive about 3 hours after she had Ralphie and took 1 cup from her. I brought it with me to work as the facility is in that town, so 1.5 hours from my house, and they came and picked it up from me by 8:20 am. (got a call back at 8 from them rescue saying they would love it). So now I will be donating some of my stored milk from CeCe to them to help get the little one back on its feet as well as when Scarlet and Tilda freshen I will be bringing them colostrum from them to store to be ready for next year. So happy I could help out again. I miss working for the wildlife center.
That's really cool! Glad you had it and were able to share. Many years ago at a pygmy goat show a fellow exhibitor (and wildlife rehabber) brought a fawn to the show with him. I don't remember (or never knew why it was orphaned) but one of his does accepted it and I tell ya, watching that fawn nursing form that pygmy doe was THE cutest thing ever.
It is a good feeling to help out like that. I gave gallons upon gallons of milk to rescued foal one summer. It was nice to watch him recover and grow. He was a BLM colt that had been separated from his mom and basically left for dead.
good on ya sam. helping a helpless baby get a good start. way back in the '70's when I still lived in west Virginia I sold goats milk to a state game preserve who fed it to that ever kind of babies they had. I smile when I think of all the deer, black bears, bobcats, foxes and all the critters I helped. everything from bears to skunks to squirrels. and the best part was they would let me help at feeding time. was so much fun.