Hoping to get to the barn tomorrow.... I know the goats are more than cranky. They are all so fed up with it they will stand in the rain and graze. Y'all know that goats don't do wet. Mine are that desperate and want to be out and grazing that bad that this past weeks rain hasn't stopped them. They are upset and yelling while they do but they are out and doing it.
Well. We finally did it! We now have chickens! Stella is absolutely in love!
I started off with five icelandics yesterday and somehow I have 9 today darned things ended up in my cart at the feed store today how'd that happen?,!
Sold ralphie today. He leaves next weekend already. Wow. So happy. He's going to a lovely family who wants to start raising milk goats. not sure what ellie will do when he goes but she should be fine.
Got the main stall clean almost all the way. Between having so many people out yesterday and not getting started 'til nearly 5 and then the storms hitting today I managed to get 12 wheel barrow full hauled out. Only to layer it with fresh hay and jam all the goats into the stall as the storm was supposed to be bad. Major hail and winds and all. Got everything buttoned up and into the house to wait it out. It missed us only leaving rain behind.
I got colored pencils in the mail Friday and practiced some colored portraits.
Also went fishing last night first time in two years. It wax beautiful.
Started our seeds for the garden Friday and already have some sprouting lettuce!
nice fish kiddo. can you say fish fry?? being on the boat looks so relaxing and the rainbow if beautiful.
when I was selling milk to the game farm they went from raising almost 0 baby deer to griping about raising to many of them. they were running out of places to stock them. I went to church with the director of the place and we got to talking about how many fawns they were loosing so I gave them several gallons of goats milk to start with and when they did so well he started paying me for it. back in the '70's $5. a gallon was a lot of money. fed my goat addiction and my AI bills for the goats.