Samssimonsays: Blazing Acres journal


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
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somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
Speaking of @Ferguson K ... I was going to ask how she's doing since I've not seen a post in quite a while. Thanks for the lead in :)
We talk daily ;) She's been extremely busy as have I. I'm sure most all of us since it is that time of year again, really.


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
The ducks are growing and Stella couldn't be more in love with them. The last ones were scared of her but these ones follow her around and hang out around her. She loves them. We got some more Ameracaunas, added Isa Browns (was supposed to get one of them last year but they messed up and I got two cinnamon queens instead) and another Amber link this year. This dog, y'all, she is beyond anything I could have dreamed of. So gentle and nurturing with all things we bring home yet will protect them fiercely. I gotta brag on her because I don't enough. She had no training or experience in anything baby animal when we brought home our first goats over 3 years ago. She has been a natural with the furry, the feathered and the hoofed beasts as well as the human ones and she is a true blessing to our little funny farm.
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Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
Yesterday I learned baby deer in distress sound just like Nubian goat bucklings that cry at everything because they are pathetic... I had an adrenaline pumping encounter with a doe deer last night when Chess got himself "lost" and was crying. In reality he could't figure out how to get to me through the fence... :rolleyes: I never claimed I loved Nubian's for their brains... Anywho, As I am bent over pouring feed into the chicken feeder in their house I hear crashing in the woods from behind me. I spun to see Stella fending off a deer. As she jumped and hit her nose bottle-nose dolphin style into her neck, she hit her shoulder into the does and pushed her back. The deer took off and raced around the house and pushed through the adult goats spooking them and made a run for the fence where Chess was and Stella stayed hot on her heals. She chased her back into the woods before coming back to me and "her" baby goat at which point the other five goats were wanting back into the fence to be with me which never happens... :thI could hear her snorting in the woods off and on but then when Chess was looking the other direction a little later and got "lost" again, if I am not in his direct line of vision he is lost and he is going to die :rolleyes:. And that deer came back again. This time Stella caught her at a dead run and T-boned her. The deer was taken off guard and rolled. Stella followed her to the edge of the yard as the deer fled across the road. I decided to put everyone away for the night early and when I looked out our kitchen window later she was lurking in the woods curious to see where he was. My best guess is she either didn't have a fawn this year or lost hers and her maternal instincts kicked in when she heard his cries. Either way, it should be a fun spring knowing that there is a doe who wants my baby goat lurking in our woods :hide