I've got some chicks and ducklings coming in a week from today hopefully. I dislike my Cinnamon queens which one was supposed to be an Isa Brown but they messed up and gave me two of the nasty things. They gang up on the others and are TERRIBLE. Ordered two polish to hopefully help my other lone polish NOT gett plucked bald anymore... poor bird... and I ordered another Amber link because I LOVE how large her egg is. Then I ordered my two Isa's to replace the cinnamon queens. They are just NOT the bird for me. My husband built me an amazing coop over the winter and I can't wait to use it!
Depends.... If they keep it up they will be If adding in more birds tones it down then maybe not. They are amazing layers and one gives at least one double yolk a week. The Amberlink gives us 2 double yolks a week. It is crazy that the Amber links regular sized eggs don't fit in cartons... We have blood droplets regularly
We welcomed in some new additions yesterday. And Stella is over the moon in love lol.
Also, see photos of goats to see how not to goat. Mine are very good at failing at goating. Just ask @Hens and Roos AND @Ferguson K about that.... I love my nubians but I swear they would certainly die without massive amounts of human intervention... And if breathing weren't automatic...