
Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Really shocked at how much damage Michael caused.
Me too. I was expecting Florida to get hammered and southern Georgia hit fairly hard. Figured he would have settled down some by the time he got to North Carolina. Plus he was moving fast so didn't hang around for days and days of rain.

No, mine was all wood, oleft side was fire box, top was flat iron with the round holes you could lift out, top had warming shelfs, onen dod have temperature gauge and it had a light yellow enameled finish...i actually got pretty good at baking with it.

I know people got good at cooking over open fires in fireplaces, even having bread ovens constructed into the masonry. Then with wood burning cook stoves when they were invented but I can't imagine the time and effort it took to get the wood stoves to the proper temperature and stay there. I don't think most women COULD work outside the home, it took all day just to keep the house running.

Power came back on yesterday just as we got the generator! So glad as they had just sent out text telling us Tues 11:30 pm - Wed am
Sounds like out multi-day outage last November, huge throughout the state. Went out Sunday night, power company said it would be up on Saturday. So we started stocking the freezers and refrigerator with bagged ice. DD2 had her ear operation Wednesday. Figured she would be spending the night at DW's parents afterward (did the night before).

Wednesday I happened to need to talk to the mechanic that works on our cars and lives 1 mile away, only 1/4 mile up the main road. He NEVER lost power, that told me our outage was probably just a transformer, super easy fix. But there were huge chunks of people out of power all over the state and the company was working to get the most people reconnected as soon as possible even though that meant leaving many thousands more with "easy fix" problems hanging. Bill had 2 generators he has never had to use but ran yearly to test them. He loaned me one and I got the refrigerator and freezer plugged in early afternoon.

Got DD to the in-laws late Wednesday afternoon, power company now saying Friday. Then Thursday, then Oh, it is fixed. Took DD back home.

Sure hope things clean up for you as quickly as possible and your weather events are over for a LONG time.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
and a husband who ran around...

I"m gonna assume you didn't bring him this time :lol:

bet it would be surprising to find out ....hummmm, life before internet... ????

We sorta, kinda did but, think it was just replies stemming from another discussion.

No, mine was all wood, oleft side was fire box, top was flat iron with the round holes you could lift out, top had warming shelfs, onen dod have temperature gauge and it had a light yellow enameled finish...i actually got pretty good at baking with it

Looks & sounds like one Grandma had (no brand name known) but was in 1950s. Had been theirs for many, many years. It had something like a cabinet at eye level, warmer? They didn't have a pump, just a rope & bucket. Gosh what memories. :)

And you are right, Bruce, took ALL DAY to do normal chores. You didn't throw clothes in the washer & return later -- you stood there & scrubbed them! :D =D That was after heating & toting water to the tubs.

I can say this-
It is imperative that your house always be immaculate and all laundry done at all times so that when a hurricane comes through life will be easier. :lol:

I can so relate but, probably ain't gonna happen here. :D I'm generally making sure there is hay & bedding just like you were doing before Michael arrived. Glad power is back, now you won't have to do the things we discussed above.

We were waiting for YOUR internet to get back on. :love

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
Hoping things come together and you get to make it to state fair!!!

I’m trying to wait for things to calm down to call and catch up...maybe Saturday afternoon so if you take a nap, let me know before you lay down!