Herd Master
What a heartbreaking frustrating mess, I am so sorry
I would be really careful about the drains and preventing mastitis as I read that staph is a common secondary infection. Some actually suggest that you infuse the udder with antibiotics as a prevention. Are you using any kind of salve on her udder to try and keep the scabs soft?
I felt a little scabby spot on a doe's mouth yesterday and didn't really pay too much attention to it; I will tomorrow. I haven't brought in any new goats since Nov. and no sign of anything on them but I guess now I am paranoid. How long have you had the meat doe and had the buckling been exposed to her? The incubation is only a few days but if a goat is a carrier how do they shed the virus without an active case?
I am very sad for you; I know you have your heart and soul invested in your herd.

I felt a little scabby spot on a doe's mouth yesterday and didn't really pay too much attention to it; I will tomorrow. I haven't brought in any new goats since Nov. and no sign of anything on them but I guess now I am paranoid. How long have you had the meat doe and had the buckling been exposed to her? The incubation is only a few days but if a goat is a carrier how do they shed the virus without an active case?
I am very sad for you; I know you have your heart and soul invested in your herd.