I have no doubt you will be a wonderful mother...and this outbreak could have happened to any one of us on here...you have been dealt an awful hand and you are working through it...I admire you and next time I am in Saskatchewan to visit family...I am making a point of meeting you and giving you for real hugs
Teat dialators are a no go. Try as i might, scream as she would, i could NOT get them in to where they wpuld stay. It did help the one teat that is sealing without a scab over the orifice, but im now watching that teat for gangrene as the orifice is black. She is losing scabs slowly, and only one teat tip needs to be peeled but milking is still painful. Doesnt seem as bad, but is still rough going.
I was going to dry her up, but because i cant get those dialators in, i wont do that. Ill keep her milking until she is all healed up to ensure flow continues and infection is gone/out of the question. Itll also help to rebuild our milking relationship and to stop her from associating the act of milking with pain. Despite all this, she is still giving a liter and a half.
Last night didnt bode well. While the side with the blackened teat orifice milked without needing to be picked, the other side was extrenely painful and hard, i could not get it milked out, what DID come out was bloody, pussy, and the smell made me gag. I managed to get a teat infuser up there filled with oregano oil and injected it, but couldnt manage to get it in the other teat at all. She is eating, but is clearly not herself, standing hunched up.
Sounds like it is now bluebag mastitis. Putting COLD packs on it will reduce swelling and allow you to milk out. Most people will say warm compress, which is normally true but in the case where it is blue bag the cold reduces inflammation so you can milk. You will need to do this 4x a day. You could use "today" but at this point the udder may end up sloughing off.
What is her temperature?
We had a Kiko doe with this last year and put her down. It ended up being e-coli. We had her necropsied. We treated her for a week, and just couldn't keep the fever down. It stayed at 105-106. She would perk up after some antibiotics and banamine but would go back down within a few hours. Did the infusers too. The vet that walk us through does a good deal of holistics and natural medicines BUT this vet said naturals would not work in the case of bluebag.
It was hard for us but we did the right thing for her, us and our farm.
I will not treat her if the infection progresses to bluebag. I will cull her for meat if its viable or burn the carcass. I will try cold packs. The side that has the black teat orifice that i worry about is doing fine, its the other side! Surprised me. What a damn shame it is if we cant salvage anything out of this.