Senile Texas Aggie - comic relief for the rest of you


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I only suggested the tape for use until the hole it tapped and a new slightly larger screw was installed.
You can get Locktite at hardware stores as well. Be aware that for some truly bizarre reason that escapes me, both the red and blue come in red bottle/tubes. Make sure you look for the red container that says "Blue" (in blue) on it. Just HOW hard would it be to have the blue in a blue bottle/tube and the red in a red one?


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
I only suggested the tape for use until the hole it tapped and a new slightly larger screw was installed.
You can get Locktite at hardware stores as well. Be aware that for some truly bizarre reason that escapes me, both the red and blue come in red bottle/tubes. Make sure you look for the red container that says "Blue" (in blue) on it. Just HOW hard would it be to have the blue in a blue bottle/tube and the red in a red one?

To make it simpler for the consumer, our products are available in many different grades to cater to a broad array of applications, from auto maintenance and boat maintenance to a wide range of household product repair. These different grades are color-coded to help you identify one threadlocker from another The color refers to the actual substance, but all the bottles are red in color. The red bottle is actually a Loctite trademark; it’s what visually distinguishes Loctite® threadlockers from any other brand.

Product package recognition is a huge part of selling and buying.
Ever seen CocaCola in a blue can or Pepsi in a red can?
Ever notice how many generic and off brand coffees try to imitate Folger's and Maryland Club's red container, but few seem to go with that awful tasting Maxwell House blue?
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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
That is a bunch of hooey ad cr@p. The bottle of blue I just finished WAS BLUE! And it WAS Loctite brand.
If they gave a sh1t about their customers, they would make the different products VERY easy to tell apart.


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Any chainsaw dealer or shop that repairs chain saws should have those chain link tools. I got mine at the local Stihl dealer.

Not tape..Locktite® Threadlock Blue or Purple on the set screw.

The local Stihl dealer didn't have any of the tools. Of course, the dealer is not just for chainsaws -- being such a small town (< 4,000), it is the Ace hardware store that is the dealer. As for the Locktite, I may try that. First, though, I think I will try using a lock washer. Maybe it can handle the vibration just fine.

This morning we finally finished the drainage ditch in cutting down the small trees and most of the limbs. We still need to pick up some of the limbs and to pull down some of the vines that are still tangled in the trees that we left standing. Once we finish that, I will post pictures of before and after.

Because we finished a bit early, and since a chance of rain is forecast for almost all of next week, I decided to see if I could finish removing the trash that is in the woods. I have waited for quite some time for the ground to dry out, but because we have been getting so much rain, the ground would never dry out enough to get into the dump area. But today it was dry enough, so I was able to remove almost all of the trash that was back there. What little remains will require my gathering it up by hand. I am so glad to finally get that cleaned out. Now I just need to move it out of the pasture to my trailer and haul it to the recycling place in Van Buren. (I wonder if they are under water, since they are right next to the Arkansas river?)

I finally got the gate fixed. Even though I was the one that caused the problem by cutting the wires, Ghost Controls sent me a new actuator arm. Once I got it hooked up and both gates correctly aligned again, everything worked great. Now I just need to send the old arm back to Ghost Controls.

That's all for now. I hope everyone has a great rest of the day.

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Yes, I did. In fact, I have appreciated it since the day I first got it, picking up limbs and trees we had cut down and moving them to a burn pile. What a back saving device! I know when I saw Mike Morgan on Outdoors with the Morgans(*) first use a grapple and was amazed at how much work he could get done with it that I decided to get one for my tractor. Because my tractor didn't have a 3rd function valve (and at that time I had not heard of a diverter valve), I scheduled an appointment with the tractor dealer to have both the 3rd function valve and the grapple installed. It took 2 months before the appointment could be met, but once it finally got installed and I was able to use it, I was so glad to have gotten it! We can get so much more done with the grapple than before I got it.

Senile Texas Aggie

(*) here is a link to that episode where Mike Morgan is using the grapple:


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Now go watch yesterday's episode where he got the RK 37 stuck on a down slope using the grapple to pull a MASSIVE amount of vines out of the trees. Melissa had to come rescue him with the 55. Near the end of the episode he CLAIMS he could have gotten himself out with the grapple but didn't want to drop the load. But if you were watching carefully, he tried just that. Yep, he needed help, could have self rescued if he had a backhoe instead of a brush hog on the back. I enjoy their channel, lots for noobs to learn. He is poetry in motion with big equipment. The arm and bucket on an excavator are almost like a third arm and hand on him.