Senile Texas Aggie - comic relief for the rest of you


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Hey, the good news is, that’s a bunch of sumac and the roots are still there. You get to mow them down AGAIN! And again and again....
But so true.

I think the FIRST thing you need to do is make an enclosure in an area where you wouldn't mind the pig rooting, otherwise you might soon have a LOT of repair landscaping to do!

That is quite the jungle you have out there. Maybe the next implement needs to be a stump grinder. PITA to mow around all those old stumps every time. Say, maybe the pig would root around the stumps, make it easier for you to get them out.


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Well, the pig was here again this morning. She decided that more of our lawn needed aerating:

I decided to visit the neighbors in person to see if they knew of anyone who raised pigs. No one did, but one of them had seen 3 pigs a few months ago. Another neighbor said that if I simply wanted to get rid of it, they would send someone to our house to get it. I told them that was fine with me. A few minutes ago someone from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission showed up (they are just east of our property) and asked about the pig, so I told him about it. It has been visiting their facility frequently. He told me that if I wished I could just shoot it. I told him that if it becomes a nuisance that I would do that, but right now I will just try to scare it off. I have a bunch of bottle rockets, and if I see the pig again in the morning I will just shoot the bottle rockets at her and try to scare her off.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Feral pigs are a nuisance....not to mention dangerous....a feral sow multiplies that nuisance and bottle rockets won't have much of an affect for long....scaring it off only pushes it for another to deal with it....and if there are any kids around there, they could be critically injured waiting for the bus....having the opportunity, ya better seize it....pigs are smart and if there are others around, it won't be long before they will join in too.....:)

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
It is already a dangerous nuisance STA, ....if it's that comfortable comming up to your house, it will have no problem chargeing at you and your family or nearby children if it has a mind to, or gets frightened..... please shoot it ,...... if not for your safety, then for the safety of others.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I'm with @CntryBoy777 in the idea of scaring it off will only put the problem on someone else. Feral hogs are one of the most adaptable animals there are. Shoot it or have someone else do it. Talk to the neighbor people and see if they had someone come shoot it, could you get them to gut it and find a butcher to work it up. No sense of wasting the meat. A hog like that will taste good because she has been eating "clean food". Seriously, call around to find a butcher, and then see if you can't at least get something back out of the "landscaping" it has done in the way of edible payment.

Feral hogs are such a problem in the southern states, Tx and into eastern states. They have done more damage in the Smokey Mountain National parks than you can believe. There are groups that hunt them in Tx because they are such a nusiance. And they carry diseases that are transmissible to cattle, brucellosis being one.....

Get rid of it in a permanent manner.


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Thanks for all of your advice. If the pig shows up tomorrow, I will take care of it.

Meanwhile, early this morning, the pig showed up again. I had the bottle rockets ready. We heard the pig snort at the south end of the porch (we normally sit at the north end), so I grabbed the flashlight, a cigarette lighter, and a handful of bottle rockets and went toward the south end of the porch. I turned on the flashlight and saw the pig about 20 feet away. I lit the bottle rocket, switched it to my right hand, which was also holding the lighter, and threw the bottle rocket at the pig. The cigarette lighter went flying out of my hand into the yard. The bottle rocket hit the eave of the porch, went down to the lawn, and when the rocket ignited, it shot back up to the porch, ricocheted off the porch ceiling, ricocheted off the wall of the house and went north along the wall to my Beautiful Gal. It hit a chair just south of her and then exploded! We were in more danger than the pig!

For the second attempt, I went and found the lighter in the yard, went back to the porch to try again. By this time, the pig had moved off a ways. I lit the second one and threw it, and again the cigarette lighter went flying into the yard, and the second bottle rocket curved up but the motor didn't ignite until it was headed back down, so the rocket simply plowed into the ground and spewed, then finally going off.

This time the pig was well away from the porch, but still in the yard. For the third attempt I knew to throw down the cigarette lighter on the porch before throwing the bottle rocket. This time the bottle rocket went at an angle in the direction of the pig, but still well short. The fourth one went out a little farther, but by this time the pig was out in the pasture.

So my attempts at scaring the pig may or may not have worked. But if it did not, then I will take y'all's advice and deal with it permanently.

Senile Texas Aggie

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