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- #1,381
Herd Master
you have a lot of acreage and might use it for years as you clear one area or another.
That is what I am thinking, that I will use it for a number of years. Still, while we aren't hurting for money, we are rolling in it, either.
I've noticed the bill is always a lot higher when DW goes with me.
That is what happened when my Beautiful Gal went with me!
Today, after waiting for the rain to begin on Friday, which it never did, and yesterday, when my Beautiful Gal and I made a table she wanted for the laundry room, this morning I decided to back to the overgrown area and continue cutting it down. Just before finishing for the day, I took some pictures. First, here is a closeup of what I have been cutting down to give you an idea of how thick it is:

Here's a look at one of the many stumps I had to go around when mowing:

Here is a view of the area I had carved out to try to clear. You can see the tractor to the right. The few trees that are standing were next to stumps. I later cut them down with the reciprocating saw:

Well, the next step will be to continue heading west until I get to our property line. Until then...
Senile Texas Aggie