Senile Texas Aggie - comic relief for the rest of you


Loving the herd life
Aug 29, 2019
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Mr. @MtViking,

Thank you for your comments. The reason I have aimed at the head is that everywhere else I have shot her hasn't killed her, just slowed her down a bit. The first time I shot her and know that I hit her, I hit her in the right butt cheek (she was facing away from me). SI heard the bullet hit her. She ran off. This was really early in the morning. We waited until it got lighter. We noticed that she appeared to be lying by the burn pile about 150 or so yards away. We were hoping she was dead. We got in the Gator and drove down. When she heard the Gator, she jumped up and ran off.

The second time I shot her, I sneaked down to the pond and crept around to where her wallow was. I stepped on a stick and she heard it snap. She took off running and I shot her in the side and possibly in the butt.

I was talking to someone here locally and telling them how I was unable to kill the pig with my 22 rifle. They said that the only way to kill a pig with a 22 is to hit the pig in the head. Ever since then I have been aiming for her head.

I might be able to kill her with the 22 if I aimed for her heart, but I think the long rifle hollow points don't have enough momentum to penetrate deeply.

We checked the game camera earlier today and the pig is still alive. Obviously I will need to use a more powerful gun.

Senile Texas Aggie
Good to know. Pigs are some tough SOBS! I personally wouldn’t hunt any larger animals with a 22 but I know they’ll kill a deer. My Grampa used to kill deer all the time with his 22 when he was a kid. It definitely takes a lot of accuracy with a bullet that small. My 30-06 is over kill for deer or antelope it’ll drop an antelope at 300 yard no matter where I hit it. But since they don’t have a ton of meat I always go for behind the shoulder. Less chance of ruining good meat. Must be a big pig! I picture the pigs I see at the 4H auctions. They look like a 22 would take one out pretty easy. Makes me want to got wild pig hunting! Lol


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
STA you definitely need a larger caliber of rifle. Pigs are clad in some tough, thick skin, then layers of fat, heavy bone, meat, so getting to a vital organ with a puny 22 is likely not going to happen.

My phone is not charging this morning and it at 2% charged. I am in a quiet panic, don't know WTH is going on with it. So can't take pics of the quick change for you this morning, but i'll get my phone up and going again, then i'll take pics for you.


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. With the cooler weather, I've been trying to get things done that I hate do to when it is so blamed hot.

The landscape rake works like a champ. I have been raking around trees cleaning out the debris that has piled up. Boy, what a difference it makes! But I need to order a hydraulic toplink, as there are times when the rake is not lifted high enough. I have intended on doing that, but keep forgetting. Maybe later today.

I finally set up a gun range with spots at 25 yards, 50 yards, and 100 yards. I only set it up yesterday, so I have yet to see how much dispersion I have on my shots.

I mowed the south overgrown pastures for the second time this year. I tried earlier last week, but it was so dry and dusty that I might as well be mowing White Sands National Monument for all the dust I kicked up. But after it rained -- we got .5 inches -- and then cooled off, I was able to mow it yesterday without coughing to death. That is good, as my mom, my older sister, and possibly my mom's younger brother are planning to come visit soon, and I wanted the grass to be short, so we wouldn't need to put up with seeds flying up in our faces.

========= Begin Rant Text ========

Last week I was so mad I could have bit a railroad spike it two, I think. I was one of the victims of the OPM data breach in 2015(?) (as you were probably as well, Mr. @Mike CHS), so OPM paid for 10 years of credit monitoring service with MyIDCare. I receive an email once a week from them and had been checking them regularly, but I had not checked in a while until last week. That is when I noticed a "Delinquent Account Notice" on the report from two different credit agencies. Prior to that time, there was a notice of a "new" mailing address change, where my current address had been changed to my previous mailing address (which was a mail forwarding service that we hired back when we thought we were going RVing, but then ended up buying this place). "What in the world is going on?" I thought.

So I called the number that was reporting the delinquency. It turned out that it was Synchrony Bank representing J C Penny. I remembered that my wife had charged some clothes there in June. They were sending the bill to the mail forwarding address business instead of to our current address, but because I had forgotten about the bill, it had gone delinquent. I paid off the bill, and then I tried to find out why my address changed so that the bills were going to the old address). That is when the fun really began.

Two credit reporting services reported the address change: Equifax and TransUnion. I called Equifax first. I went through phone menu hell, providing them with my name, phone number, SSAN, address, date of birth, etc., to the computer before I was finally connected with a human, whose name was Jees. (I'm not sure how it is spelled but it rhymes with "peace".) Jees immediately asked for the same info I gave the computer (name, SSAN, etc.). Once I provided that again, I told him I would like to find out why my mailing address changed from what it currently is to my previous address. He put me on hold. When he came back, he again asked for my name, SSAN, etc. I told him again. Again, he put me on hold. After a couple of minutes went by, he came back on line and asked a third time for my name, SSAN, etc. By this point I am starting to get exasperated. Again he put me on hold. After another minute or so, the survey started (which was mentioned when I first called in and was told it would be at the end of the call). I was furious! :barnie When asked about the service both Jees and the company provided, I rated it terrible for both. I then hung up. I was so angry at being unable to get the answer to a simple question.

I waited about 30 minutes or so while I cooled down, and then called back. After entering the same info again (name, SSAN, etc.), this time I was told that all circuits are busy and to call back later. :barnie:he I thought, "Yeah, right. You remembered my poor rating of the service you provided so you are going to ignore me!"

So I called TransUnion instead. What a difference in service! Instead of having to go through phone menu hell, I was connected to a human immediately. I gave her the required info, and then she did a little research (without putting me on hold) and told me that it was J C Penney that had reported the address change! What?!? I thanked the nice lady and then hung up.

When we first moved here, I had contacted every one of our creditors, either by phone or online and reported our address change. I made a note of the date when I had notified each one. For Penney's I notified them 2018 May 06, two days after we closed on the house. So either Penney's has a separate web site for credit cards from the web site where orders are placed, or somebody screwed up royally. The J C Penney credit account is our oldest account, opened some time in 1976. But if I am going to get reported as delinquent whenever I charge something to that card, I'd be better off closing the account.

========= End Rant Text ========

I hope everyone has a nice evening! Enjoy this cool weather. :frow

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Call JC Penney directly. Whatever/whomever you have to go through and tell them what you have found out and that you are going to take legal action if they do not #1, get the address straightened out; #2 contact the credit bureaus and have them take off the delinquency and report the account as paid on time. Yes they can do that. Tell them that you will close your account and tell everyone you know, how badly they treated you for a mistake that they CAUSED. JC Penney is not doing well financially, and they cannot afford to have customers leave them, in an way, shape, or form. They also cannot afford to have people bad mouthing them.
Believe me, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and the mad irate customer gets satisfaction or they can cause a whole lot of hurt. I had a JC Penney account, and they closed it when i had a bad credit report due to a foreclosure many years ago. I had no outstanding balance with them, had had the account for at least 7-8 years with no late payments or anything. I was furious and got some upper management person who tried to bend over backwards to get me to not bad mouth them. Offered me all sorts of enticements to come back as a credit card customer with the same limit I had before. I finally took back the card, and kept it for a couple of years to help with the credit reporting, then closed it and practically never go in there anymore.
Subtle threats and promises of retaliation do work.

Yes, TransUnion has been great for me to work with in the past. Had a credit card with fradulent charges, called the cc company and they quickly took care of it, closed the account, sent me a new card, and they told me to contact the credit agency to make sure that it showed up on my report properly. TU handled it great and I have always trusted them to get it right, or to bend over backwards trying.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
STA I took pictures of our quick connect on the tractor. It sure makes things easier!

