SheepGirl's Journal - Photos of the sheep 4/25


Overrun with beasties
May 19, 2012
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Gaga looks like an Old fashioned stuffed Teddy Bear, lol. You ladies are big softies. :lol:


Master of Sheep
Golden Herd Member
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
lol, autumnprairie. :p

My neighbor had given me a couple bales of orchardgrass mix hay. Ran out of that yesterday so today I went to the turkey farm a couple miles away and got some hay. I don't know if they raise turkeys anymore, but in the 3-4 turkey houses they have they store hay in it. We caught the farmer right as he was loading fresh timothy/grass mix round bales into one of the turkey houses. So we got one :D IDK how much it weighs but it was just $25 (the cost of five 35-40# bales) so it is a bargain, since I know it weighs at least 300-400#. We put it in our garage on a pallet and I'm going to hand feed it to my sheep so it stays nice and green (and also because I don't have a round bale feeder--and I want to put the feeder I built to good use). It just takes soo long to get out even 1# of hay from it. So my plan is to put out hay 3x/day--my ram getting 1 lb of hay at a time and my ewes/wether getting 3 lbs of hay at a time. 'Cause I'm too lazy and impatient to get all 12 lbs out at once :p For this reason, I like square bales better--one flake is 2-3 lbs and they're fast to pick up and move about. I suppose if I had a round bale feeder it wouldn't be too bad.


Overrun with beasties
May 19, 2012
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Usually you can peel them like an Onion or if someone you know has a chainsaw they could chop sections for you.


Master of Sheep
Golden Herd Member
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Symphony said:
Usually you can peel them like an Onion or if someone you know has a chainsaw they could chop sections for you.
I like the chainsaw idea :p Maybe my grandfather could chop it up for's been taking me about 4 min per lb to get the hay for them.


Overrun with beasties
May 19, 2012
Reaction score
I've seen it done. I have some friends who don't have a round bale set up but around them its a lot easier to find Round over Small Square bales so they buy Round bales and cut them in either thirds or half.


Master of Sheep
Golden Herd Member
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
It has been so hot the past two days, in the 90s. Tomorrow it is supposed to be cooler, which I'm sure the sheep will enjoy.

I'm 'bout ready to ship Billy, though. He has escaped from his pen 4-5x and he's escaped into the ewe/wether pen 2x. (He's only been here at my house for 2 weeks.) The ewes and my wether don't challenge the fencing and have no reason to go anywhere, so they don't. I don't know what it is about Billy. I want to sell him at auction to just get rid of him because he frustrates me to no end...but then I remember my plan I have for him. When I buy my Katahdin sheep and they lamb, I plan on keeping most if not all of the ewe lambs to expand my flock quickly. So instead of buying another new ram to use on the first ram's daughters, I'll use Billy as a terminal sire and all lambs will go to market. And then after the first ewe lambs that are born lamb 1-2x, I would sell their sire and buy a new ram and after those lambs are born I'll really go through and cull my flock to have a really nice ewe base. So that's my plan. But I'm thinking about abandoning it so I don't have to deal with him anymore :p He also loves to ram me, too :rant So I tell him "you want dinner tonight, or you want to be my dinner tonight?" and it's so funny because he stops. I guess it's the tone of my voice that makes him stop messing with me because I doubt he understands what I say lol.

Tomorrow I'll be weighing Katy Perry and Lady Gaga, and see how much they've grown now that they're eating creep feed and nibbling hay. I only gave Lady Gaga a bottle one day, and she only ate 1-2 oz.

My sheep aren't eating much of their hay. Billy of course will eat everything I put out for him and not leave any waste. But the ewes, I've been putting 9 lbs of hay per day in their feeder and they always have extra. So I haven't put out any new hay today for them because I really want them to finish what's in their feeder before I go putting more fresh hay out. I checked on them about an hour ago and they still had some hay in their feeder. Hopefully tomorrow morning when I go out to feed or by this time tomorrow the hay will be gone and they can be rewarded with fresh hay. They love seeing that black trash bag because they know that there's fresh, green, leafy, tasty hay in there :D Usually I feed Billy first and I have to walk around the ewe pen to get to his pen, so as I'm walking along the fence line the ewes will follow me and jump and be soo happy. Today they were disappointed they didn't get anything though haha.

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