SheepGirl's Journal - Photos of the sheep 4/25


Master of Sheep
Golden Herd Member
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Tomorrow is the beginning of the MD State FFA Convention. I applied for my state degree, and I'm participating in Ag Quiz Bowl and FFA Knowledge. In August, I will be competing in Livestock Judging (last year I was 'on' the team, but the contest was the day we left for vacation...our team ended up going to nationals and because I didn't compete in the initial contest, I wasn't able to go :rolleyes: hopefully we'll have the same luck this year!). I will be spending the night there until Thursday, so if you don't see me on here, it's 'cause I'm at the convention.

My brothers don't like sheep (or really any other animal except dogs and cats) so I will be nagging them everyday while I'm gone to make sure they feed my sheep. I made it simple for them--I picked 30 lbs of hay from the round bale (boy did that take forever!) and I put it in six trash bags--one for each pen for each day; there are three 7 lb bags for the ewes/wether and three 3 lb bags for my ram. It will take all of two minutes to throw the hay and grain in the feeders plus maybe up to five minutes to water them, depending on what the water level's at.


Today I gave my lambs their first CD/T shot. I like to do my shots at 30 & 60 days old (even though today I was one day behind), and then ewe lambs will get a booster 30 days pre-breeding, and then everybody gets a booster 30 days pre-lambing.

While I was attempting to catch the lambs, Paulie thought I was going after him or something so he jumped over the water bucket and lattice (it's supposed to separate the pens above the water bucket so they don't jump over the water into the other pen) and somehow he managed to break the bottom off of the water bucket. (I'm not really sure exactly how it happened since he was behind me running away from me...I just heard a thud and then a rush of water and I turned around and he was in the ram pen with the bucket overturned and broken.) So I didn't want to go out and buy another bucket so I scrounged around our shed for the large bucket we keep our 'outdoor toys' in (like basketballs, squirtguns, tennis/badminton rackets, etc) and I washed that out and filled it up. Their 'new' bucket is at least 10 or 15 years old so I hope it holds up better than this bucket that we've only had for about a month. :p

I need to get myself a crook...they are sooo useful. My neighbor's crook worked great up until about a year ago when it snapped in half (it was an old wooden one). Better yet, I need to fence off one side of the steps so the sheep only have one 'exit' instead of two, on either side of the pole. I think that will be a major help in trying to catch sheep :D


Lost in the flock
May 23, 2011
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I hope you do well! Our convention was a couple weeks ago. You MUST GO to nationals!...even if you just have to beg to go like I did! I went last year and had a great time.


Master of Sheep
Golden Herd Member
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
So my sheep are still alive! :D lol

But I got back from the convention yesterday around 4:30ish. I had a great time! I got my State FFA Degree and our Ag Quiz bowl placed first out of nine teams competing :celebrate, but unfortunately it doesn't go anywhere. Our first round we won 65 to -10, the second round was a tie 45-45, but the other team answered the tiebreaker question wrong so we won and then our last round we really thought we were going to lose, because the other team kept buzzing in before any of us did. But the last five questions were soo easy (they dealt with animals) and I answered all of them, winning our team 25 points! So we won our final round 45-35. So we got to go up on stage during one of the sessions and shake the state officer's hands and get a plaque :)

Nobody from our chapter placed in FFA knowledge lol...we didn't really study for it, either. Our chapter did place 2nd in the Meats CDE, though. Not first, but it's still pretty good.

So now we just need to study for Livestock Judging and let's HOPE we go to National's!


Loving the herd life
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
SheepGirl said:
So my sheep are still alive! :D lol

But I got back from the convention yesterday around 4:30ish. I had a great time! I got my State FFA Degree and our Ag Quiz bowl placed first out of nine teams competing :celebrate, but unfortunately it doesn't go anywhere. Our first round we won 65 to -10, the second round was a tie 45-45, but the other team answered the tiebreaker question wrong so we won and then our last round we really thought we were going to lose, because the other team kept buzzing in before any of us did. But the last five questions were soo easy (they dealt with animals) and I answered all of them, winning our team 25 points! So we won our final round 45-35. So we got to go up on stage during one of the sessions and shake the state officer's hands and get a plaque :)

Nobody from our chapter placed in FFA knowledge lol...we didn't really study for it, either. Our chapter did place 2nd in the Meats CDE, though. Not first, but it's still pretty good.

So now we just need to study for Livestock Judging and let's HOPE we go to National's!


Master of Sheep
Golden Herd Member
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
A nasty storm rolled through...the worst of it lasted about an hour and seems to have passed already and it's getting calm out now. But we put my sheep in the garage about an hour before the storm hit and we put up two fans and opened a window part way since they were all panting. They seemed to have cooled off because now they're eating, but we'll see if it gets hot again after this storm completely moves through. I woke up this morning to feed my sheep and then I watched TV for a half hour and then fell asleep and slept until 4 pm so I'm still wide awake lol so I will probably stay up late and check on them every half hour to an hour or so.

The weather report from the NWS said we would have wind in excess of 80-90 mph. I don't know if the wind got up to that speed or not, but our birch tree in our front yard that is about 8" thick was on it's side, being blown over.

So nothing else is really all that new. My mom is taking the kittens to the animal shelter tomorrow since we can't find homes for them and we are going through two 20 lb boxes of kitty litter per week for 3 adult cats and 6 kittens with our three litter boxes we have around the house. And that's getting expensive. I'm gonna miss the lil buggers :( Everybody wants to keep the fluffy one, but I want to keep the red/white tabby, the two gray tabbies and the boy. I know, that's pretty much all of them :p I could care less about the red female because she doesn't come when I call her (neither does the fluffy one, but she's fluffy so that makes up for it lol). But the red/white tabby who we named Claire comes when I call her and is a lap cat. Piglet, the boy, comes when you call his name and he'll jump up on your lap and when you go to pet him, he starts attacking your hand lol. The two gray ones are really nice...they come when you call them and they'll sit on your lap for an hour before they want to go play with their siblings. The gray one with the grayer ears likes to climb up on you as close to your face as you can get while the gray one with the red ears is happy where you put her. Everybody likes the fluffy one because as soon as someone touches her, she starts purring. And so that's what everybody likes about her (excluding her cuteness), but she's more independent and she doesn't come to you or want to sit on your lap. But the momma cat will be spayed soon and then be moved back outside and so inside we will have two adult cats and one kitten (though I hope we can keep two--the fluffy one, who I call fluf-n-stuf, and Claire). Here are some pictures I took when they were 5-6 weeks old.

The gray one with grayer ears.

The fluffy one.

This is Piglet. He's such an ugly kitten but he's a nice little boy.

The red female.

The gray one with red ears.

My favorite - Claire :)


Loving the herd life
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
Keep Claire! She is ADORABLE!! Fluf-n-stuff isnt that cute (from the angle, lol), so just keep Claire!!


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
SheepGirl said:
So my sheep are still alive! :D lol
Congrats on your FFA accomplishments!!

But ya do know your brothers just ignored your sheep while you were gone, waited till the last day and then hurridly threw all 6 bags of hay in and the same for the bags of feed--don't ya? ;):lol:
(I had sisters too)


Loving the herd life
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
greybeard said:
SheepGirl said:
So my sheep are still alive! :D lol
Congrats on your FFA accomplishments!!

But ya do know your brothers just ignored your sheep while you were gone, waited till the last day and then hurridly threw all 6 bags of hay in and the same for the bags of feed--don't ya? ;):lol:
(I had sisters too)


Lost in the flock
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
Oddly enough meats was the team I accompanied to nationals.