SheepGirl's Journal - Photos of the sheep 4/25


Master of Sheep
Golden Herd Member
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
So we went to go take the kittens to the shelter today but they were completely full and they couldn't be adopted out right away anyway because they are all 1-2 lbs and the minimum weight is 3 lbs. So we took them back home and we're gonna fatten them up and if we don't find them homes we will just stick them outside with their momma after we get them all spayed/neutered. But the shelter did give us a flyer for a completely free/no questions asked spay/neuter program in our county, so that will save us a couple hundred bucks :D

And graybeard - that sounds like something my brothers would do! lol :p


There are over 1 million people in our area without power. Luckily we still have it :) But my cousins in Rockville have no power and it is expected to be out for a couple days...coupled with this 100 degree heat, that is a recipe for disaster. So they might come up to our house with their critters (a dog and 3 or 4 cats) so they can have some AC, though they haven't decided on anything yet because they have a generator (however, no gas stations are open in their area so once their generator runs out they're hosed).

Another storm is supposed to hit this evening so my sheep will move into the garage again tonight. Summer storms are like the worst.


Master of Sheep
Golden Herd Member
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
A storm never came through last night and my sheep never made it in the garage. We are supposed to have another storm again tonight before midnight, but it's just supposed to be a light rain so my sheep can stay outside.

Other than that, nothing really new happening :)


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Lucky you on not losing power. That storm was ferocious. We lost power for about 12 hours but there are about 600,000 people in our state still without it.


Master of Sheep
Golden Herd Member
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
That storm was ferocious, and we were just on the tip of I can't imagine what it was like being in the 'red' or 'orange' parts of it. You are lucky you got your power on so quick. Many people in our area (including my cousins) still don't have power, and the power companies still don't know when their customers will get their power back.

We had a bunch of thunder and lightning last night, but no rain. We are *supposed* to have thunderstorms every night until Wednesday or Thursday, but for the past two nights there hasn't been any rain at all. And we are supposed to have this 95-105 degree weather all week. :th


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Yeah, we're lucky we're on a different power company than the majority of those who are out of power. We almost never lose power and when we do it's not for very long. The other company though is notorious for longer power outtages...tie a big storm in there and it's even worse.

Our temps are supposed to be up there this week too. It is really extreme, we normally only have about a week of low to mid 90s in late August. Seasons are coming earlier this year it seems.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Being without power is the dumps, especially if you are all electric and on well water like I am. I generally lose power about once per week in the spring and summer, being at the very end of a long line, with miles of National Forest on both sides. Got plenty of coleman lanterns, camp stoves and bbq wood tho.

Hope everyone up that way gets their power back on quickly since your temps are going to be so high. (don't forget to check on your neighbors, especially if they are --(I hate to use the word ) --older)

Odd weather tho--it's only been mid 80s here for the last several days--maybe a week now.


Loving the herd life
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
Sorry about the power outages ! Glad you have it tho! We only ever lose our power (Rarely tho) in the winter :rolleyes: Worst time of year !

Hope the storm(s?) pass through and DONT COME BACK (yelling at the storms, lol). We've had a normal summer tho so I cant relate to you or other people, lol, sorry ! (not really tho cause I like normal summers >:) yes, Im evil lol)


Master of Sheep
Golden Herd Member
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Most of the people in our area have power now...I heard on the radio that it's down to about 200,000 people that still don't have power.


I was sleeping in my bed and my brother came in saying my sheep escaped. Figuring it was Billy, I didn't worry about it since he doesn't wander and I slept in some. (Billy also escaped 3 times yesterday so I really wasn't in a mood to deal with him again.) Well about a half hour later, my mom comes in and she's like "All of your sheep are missing except for Billy!" Talk about an adrenaline rush lol. I have never had an issue with the ewes and wether escaping--heck, I don't even know how they got out! Everything is secure--I made sure last night before I went to bed so I wouldn't have this issue again.

Turns out, my ewes and wether were missing and Billy was bleating his head off. I walked around the house and still no sign of them so I walked down the driveway towards the barn and ta-da! FOUND THEM. The darn sheep went down to the barn. Being that it was 7:30 and I had an orthodontist appt at 9 (and a 40 min drive to get there), I really just did not have the time to deal with them, so I locked them in a pen and got them some water. I texted so many of my friends to come help me since I was going to be home alone and I really needed some help, but only one said she could come help. So I got Billy some hay to keep him occupied for a little bit and then I went back inside and did my hair, changed my clothes, and put some make up on. So as I'm about to leave, my neighbor (the one who lives closest to us and has the pitbull) comes over with Billy. I was like you have got to be kidding me. (I still don't know how he got out...) Luckily she was nice about it, but the poor guy was so stressed from being alone he was panting like a freight train. It was pretty funny because everybody couldn't get near him, but I just said his name and he came running over to me :lol: So I ran him down to the barn and locked him in the pen with the rest of the sheep and I left to go to my orthodontist appointment.

I went to my orthodontist appointment and apparently the impacted canine they're pulling down is coming in backwards so that has to be rotated and they put a bracket on it and I can't close my mouth without my bottom tooth touching the bracket and hurts... :(

But anyway on my way home I went and stopped at the feed store and got some more grain and I got home and my friend pulls up in my driveway :bow So we get my halters and 2 lbs of grain and we walk down there ready for action. My sheep were still in the pen so that was good lol, but when we opened the gate they all dashed out :barnie So we spent like 20 minutes trying to coax them back in but we were like forget it...and we just chased them in. So they went in the pen in like 30 seconds. So the first couple of sheep we got were Paulie and Ali and then the lambs followed, so we didn't have to worry about them. Unfortunately these are my two most stubborn sheep...well Ali is the main stubborn one and Paulie just isn't halter trained. But we managed to walk them 1/4 mile up hill and we put them back in the pen. Thinking I had left a halter down at the barn (I have three), I only brought one with me. Apparently I didn't leave one at the barn. So instead of walking back up to my house, we just put the halter on Ciqala and then lead Billy with the bucket of grain. Even with only one haltered sheep, we got the sheep up to my house in about 5 min compared to the other two which took a half hour :lol: Ciqala is a pro at walking on a halter. She didn't even need any grain to entice her :D

But Billy is so outta shape. He was panting the whole way up the hill :p But yah we put them all in and we tie the gate shut and we went to Chipotle and I bought her lunch for helping me :) We were there for a good hour talking...mainly about boys :D (hey, we're single teenage girls :p) lol so we left and I rushed back home (don't worry...I only went 5 mph over the speed limit, I wore my seat belt, and I used my turn signal) to see if my sheep were still in their pen. Luckily they were haha.

I swear, these sheep have caused me more trouble in the past 1.5 months then they have for the past 6 yrs I've had sheep :rolleyes: I'm 'bout ready to get rid of them! :p (no, I'm not gonna)


Chillin' with the herd
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
LOL! Sounds like you had a GREAT day (NOT! lol)

Sorry about your tooth :hugs

Hey if you sell 'em ship 'em up here to me ;)