SURE you'd just have to start younger...with a puppy! I say get another! Keep him in the house and love up on him all the time!
A girl friend of mine has one as a pet. (rescue) and KC has one corner (drywall) she chews on! Hides behind their couch...and sleeps on the bed! Doesn't that sound like fun?! Whie fur EVERYWHERE she tells me!
Tried that with Mimi....didn't work. They really enjoy their time with us but they want to be out and they really need a job!
A Newfoundland would be good for a house pet! Big, hairy, lovey, and kinda lays around!
Thanks! They are a year now and "D"s coat has finally come in. His coat stayed real puppy like from being groomed constantly when he was in the house re cooperating from his shoulder injury.
My DD surprised me and brought him in the house earlier, he had 5 people all loving on him at once and he just laid there for a half an hour lovin' it up. He loves his people that's for sure!
Your shars are very nice. I would love to hear the dif in M/F temperments.
@ Southern by choice, I know you ask about differences but it can be a long story so what I can do is give you the link to the page on my web-site that gives answers to some of general questions including yours, or you can call me ( contact phone is also on my web site ) and I'll be more than happy to answer all of your questions that I can
Our Pyrs and Anatolian are very much the same...females always up and hitting the fence, males watching...and waiting... as if to say, Hmmm do I really need to get up?