Very nice bucks. I am a little shy about getting into breeding, but I think bucks look cool, especially the Boer bucks. Speaking of Boer bucks, why do people like to breed Boar bucks with female dairy breeds such as Nubian does? Is it helpful to cross the meat and dairy breeds together?
I breed my FF's or 'undairy' dairy does to boers b/c their offspring are more marketable as 'meat wethers' than as 'dairy wethers'.
The doelings will usually have improved udders (capacity and teat structure).
Wow, Bullitt is a little fatty compared to the dairy kids I'm used to seeing. He reminds me of a little pudgy puppy.
Crossing Boer bucks over dairy does is a nice way to go in my opinion because you get meaty kids that are worth butchering from the Boer genetics, plus the dairy doe produces a ton of milk so she can feed lots and lots to the babies and make them grow bigger faster. Plus, if you're running a smaller herd and want both meat and dairy products, you can milk the dairy does too; Boers aren't all that great for milking. When I have room to expand and get another buck, I am going to cross a Boer with some LaMancha does for some good eating kids, because pure dairy kids are hardly worth the time it takes to feed them out and then butcher them, by the time you're done there's not much meat.
Roll, I was thinking next year of breeding some first fresheners to a Boer for meat kids, but my husband is really concerned about the Boer genetics making the kids too big and it being really hard on those young does. Do you find that's a problem? Or are your first fresheners all 2 year olds? We try to breed ours their first fall so they're not fully grown yet.
Ariel....Foxy Gal is the thinnest, dairy-est doe I depth, no width...just built like a rail...and she had no problem as an ff last year having her 1st kid or her 8.5 and 7.5# twins this year, all sired by Rider, a big boy.
Foxy will keep getting bred boer at least 1 or 2 more times, I'm loving the kids she makes. A friend of mine is aggravated, she wants a kid out of her, but she wants it pure Nubian....I told her I gotta get mine before she can get hers, lol.
I've had worse problems getting pure Obs out of an Ob doe or pygmies out of their moms, than I ever have getting a % Boer out of a dairy doe.
MCL, Bullitt came from Emmert Honey Creek Farms. GREAT people.