Boy I dreamed about that poor lamb last night. I just don't know how you're going to get skin to cover that big an area. And not to rain on your parade but if you can't, it seems inhumane to keep him alive. I know it's not what you want to hear but it's going to be in pain for the rest of it's life. They are stoic and aren't going to walk around screaming but I'm sure it's very painful.
Good luck and I sure hope you gain the insight to help him recover and keep us posted. It's still freakin me out!
It isn't the skin that worries me, it's that that leg is becoming stiff. I have had some horrific wounds heal up, especially on chickens, where sheets of their skin was gone.
I have a rule, and it's not for everyone but it's this: If an animal wants to fight for it's life, I'll give it every chance to give up. If it doesn't give up, I don't. The last attack we had at the house, there was a project bird I adored who's back of her neck was ripped up and hanging, could see the bone. I went in and grabbed her to put her down and she fought me like never before. I had already put down a couple birds the day prior who didn't fight or resist. She's still in that coop now, and the wound has closed up and healed up (about 3 inches long and an inch wide, spanning much of the neck.
Skin will regenerate and knit itself together as long as there is healthy tissue to grow from/to.
I'm late to the party and not a 100% certain my info will be helpful but I'll throw it out there.
I had something very similar happen to a chicken of mine. Dogs complete removed all of the skin from her back. Some of the muscle as well. We packed it with Neosporin. She did eventually get that dried out jerky look to it. We continued covering with a balm.
We used bag balm. I'm not certain if you would have that available to you, but it was basically the balm they put on cows udders to help prevent chaffing.
After about 6-8 months the skin regrew.
I do not know how well she would do with out that leg. Personally, I doubt she would be able to support herself once she was heavy in lamb.
I do understand what you are saying. I think if . she dont get the use of her lag I will see where i can find a good vet and get them to amputate the leg.. it is very depressing all this because she is very smart and is like a pet now. she comes when called and sleeps on one of my jumpers. , she dont seem to mind it and it dont hurt her much now. but still the leg is far from healed. i know she is not suffering ,because if she was she wont be hopping about all over the place and looking bright and cheerful. she is very alert. i need to find a way to get some antibiotic injections. i hope tomorrow the weather will clear up a bit and i can go the the city and buy some.
Keep up with the honey right now, it's your best bet until you get something. She can also eat the honey. Mix it into her milk/water. I don't think she's in pain, young animals in pain don't seem to have the smarts to stay quiet and not show pain. want to send an updated picture?
Poor little lamb! I don't own sheep, but if I were you I would be doing the same thing! From what you say, she doesn't seem to be in much pain, but as she grows older, it would be harder for her to support herself if it doesn't grow well. Good job and keep up the good work! I am hoping she gets much better. I think the skin can grow back. I am glad they didn't break anything! That is great that she is active, alert, and trying to play, and that she is eating!!!