I have a hypothesis. If you take supplemental vitamin D you are less likely to get a sunburn.
Here’s my thinking: a sunburn is actually your body killing off cancer cells before they become a big deal.
It’s been shown if you have a consistently high level of vitamin D in your system you won’t have cancer. The studies are incomplete, but there is significant data already.
Vitamin D will also help heal sunburns when used topically.
Personally I never used to get sunburnt. I also used to take 2000-2500 iu vitamin D supplements a day. This year I had stopped and have already gotten two minor sunburns after barely a few hours each.
So to test my hypothesis I’m asking if anyone would try an experiment with me?
If you take 2000 iu vit D a day, for two weeks, do you get less sunburnt?
Here’s my thinking: a sunburn is actually your body killing off cancer cells before they become a big deal.
It’s been shown if you have a consistently high level of vitamin D in your system you won’t have cancer. The studies are incomplete, but there is significant data already.
Vitamin D will also help heal sunburns when used topically.
Personally I never used to get sunburnt. I also used to take 2000-2500 iu vitamin D supplements a day. This year I had stopped and have already gotten two minor sunburns after barely a few hours each.
So to test my hypothesis I’m asking if anyone would try an experiment with me?
If you take 2000 iu vit D a day, for two weeks, do you get less sunburnt?