True BYH Addict
This thread is AWESOME! I am just beginning to train our just turned 5 yr old Pit Bull to guard our goatie babies. They are still spending their nights in a converted crib in our garage for fear the foxes, coyotes, wild dogs and occasional mountain lion will decide to stop by for dinner. Kartoffel, my pit baby is such a baby he does not want to stay outside at night. My fault, really, he has been an indoor dog. It's just we can't afford to get another dog and he has this wonderful "nanny dog" instinct, and he loves the goats, so I thought...hey, GUARD DOG! But he absolutely does NOT want to stay outside. I am trying to coax him to stay with them in the pen in the afternoons when they take a break from browsing, but he constantly returns to the gate and whines for me. Can you give me some tips, Southern, how to get him to be happier outside and also how to behave with the goats? They hop around him and in his face with "come chase me" and he will some, and almost always stops when I say to, and doesn't nip at them, but I'm not sure how much (if any) of this I should allow. The boys almost ALWAYS start it, and really seem to enjoy it, but I think it can't be a good precedent to set. I don't want him chasing and terrifying other animals, even if these boys like it. It seems odd to me that a prey animal would ask a dog-seemingly a predator-to "come get me"! I know I should stop them, but they really do seem to love it. Maybe I'm reading them all wrong, but if he lies down, they come up and jumps in his face, and runs a few steps, then get back in his face again, over and over until he gets up and chases them. They do it repeatedly. Do they just think he's and odd-smelling goat? I really am lost. He thinks he's human, they think he's a goat, what a mess!! I guess it wouldn't really be MY LIFE if it made any sense!