Soylent Green Anyone


The Rabbit Queen
Dec 11, 2010
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Columbia, SC
Thank you for sharing this, Rabbitgeek! I cannot believe that someone would confiscate one's rabbits! :barnie

I am a strong supporter of animal rights, but I know that everyone wont decide to stop eating meat one day. Isn't it better that animals are raised on a smaller scale where they each get the care they need then to be stuffed in a small, hot, overly crowded building? It really annoys me sometimes how stupid people can be! If they really want to take people's animals, why don't they take the big factory farm's where they really are abusing them!?

I am actually frightened now for my own rabbitry's safety. It is only about 10 holes and we only have about 9-15 rabbits at any given time, but I live in a neighborhood not zoned for agricultural use. I hope, at least for the next for years, I can keep my rabbits safely.


Ridin' The Range
Jul 12, 2011
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Man I'm already prepared to lawyer up as soon as I even catch wind of something like this. I doubt we'll ever get as big as she is but we have "pet" and "meat" rabbits for breeding. I'll be calling my state rep tomorrow and throwing a fit. Hopefully at least one irate Missourian will be heard. I hope she is reimbursed however some of those rabbits may be priceless and impossible to put a monetary value on as breeders. The ARBA needs to speak up on this;it's some of their people under fire!


Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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Shame they (the Government) is using the Humane Rescue Society for their dirty deed. In the name of SAVING the animal. But really the Government is making examples of people so they the government has full control of ALL meat. Per the UN Charter. Never trusted any of these so called non-profit groups that are funded through the government or a branch of government.

Shame but this is just the tip of the iceberg. It will go for ALL animals. And you independent farmers out there, look for the Golden Arches. They are looking at you!

Beware. Be Prepared!

Continue communication from wherever. Keep everyone informed.

Sorry Folks, what you thought was a joke, is now becoming YOUR nightmare.


Ridin' The Range
Jul 12, 2011
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I think the noncommercial organic farmers with cows and pigs will be a little stronger against the government for a few reasons. Pigs and cows aren't pets, and when on a farm they cannot be labelled as such for nefarious purposes. Also a lot/some of these cattle/pork farmers aren't hurting for money. People who breed rabbits generally need another job unless they've got huge herds, so we don't tend to havt the kind of money it takes to be heard in Washington. Also, while rabbits and chickens may be easier to label as mistreated pets, organic companies aren't going to be railroaded like this poor woman was. They will have a fraction more clout than someone considered an evil breeder.

This breeder stuff has been going on forever with dogs. Every breeder with more than two dogs is a puppy mill. Puppy mill is an obsession around here and the biggest part of the reporters are rival breeders or customers who don't feel like they got a good deal. I have seen perfectly healthy and clean places--that make our animal shelter look like a joke--get raided and shut down due to nonexhistent violations. I voted against the Animal Welfare bill that was recently passed by those who assume these people want to help animals. I will vote down any of those things because when something becomes too intertwined with officials who don't see what's going on then it gives these groups too much power.

I'm not sure if it's Big Brother looking for food domination or just another everyday case of the persecuted breeder but either way I hope this lady gets some of what she lost back.



Overrun with beasties
Mar 13, 2010
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upstate New York
The letters H R S stand for "House Rabbit Society". They believe that All breeders are evil. And set out to 'rescue' rabbits that ( especially in the Six Bells case) did Not need to be rescued. There are a lot of articles on the web about this situation... including one on a blog called biggoverment that is very well written. there has also been a lot of chatter on other groups about this.

It is Scary !! and virtually anyone with any sort of animals can be a potential target.

I believe in caring for my animals to the best of my ability... understanding that they are in fact animals... and ( including my close canine buddy) they are Not himans.

OK... tirade over. :old back in my cave.:hide

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Mea said:
The letters H R S stand for "House Rabbit Society". They believe that All breeders are evil. And set out to 'rescue' rabbits that ( especially in the Six Bells case) did Not need to be rescued. There are a lot of articles on the web about this situation... including one on a blog called biggoverment that is very well written. there has also been a lot of chatter on other groups about this.

It is Scary !! and virtually anyone with any sort of animals can be a potential target.

I believe in caring for my animals to the best of my ability... understanding that they are in fact animals... and ( including my close canine buddy) they are Not himans.

OK... tirade over. :old back in my cave.:hide
Been preaching about this for 20 years now but y'all let them regulate. Now this present government has a "Rural Committee" controlled by the United Nations. I suggest you all research this UN Charter and this New "Rural Committee". THEY will be the CONTROLLER of ALL FOOD and Energy. And you have no one to go to and you have no recourse.

Best read because no matter how much you care for your animals, in the Government's eyes you are no good and have no way of keeping your livestock to standards. The Government knows best. Yea right :rolleyes:

This is scary. This is NOT the United States of America as we know it.


Exploring the pasture
Aug 11, 2011
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This makes me want to go live in the woods on a mountain somewhere.

With guns.


Loving the herd life
May 15, 2011
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hyndman, PA
Sommrluv said:
This makes me want to go live in the woods on a mountain somewhere.

With guns.
I agree.

It's a shame how the government is letting or allowing these groups to take away our rights to own animals. Thankfully at least I think in PA they have noticed the impact of mandatory spay neuter laws on state revenue when those rights are taken away. Fewer vet visits, less money spent on feed, fewer visits to pet stores, fewer people employed in these areas. That doesn't cover everything but you get the idea.

For me personally, I live on what's left of an old farm on a street zoned residential except for me. I have a church and a mechanic past me so we get a lot of traffic. I have had animal control called on me so many times it's not funny. 'horse has been down for 3 days', horse takes a nap in her favorite spot at the same time every day. 'sheep is tied to a pole', sheep loves pole, sheep rubs on pole, sheep sleeps by pole. 'dog is chained and has no food or water', dog runs away and bites people when not chained, dog ate food, dog has water. (nevermind someone would need binoculars to tell this w/o coming on my property.) I am constantly watching my ass, no friendly neighbors here.

On another note when a friend had a similar issue he was told by the authorities 'do it somewhere no one can see you.' BTW his neighbor has 5 dogs running loose and 'animal control has been called numerous times' nothing has been done. They chase kids on bikes, cars, no one can walk down the street. My poodle sticks a toe on the asphalt and I get a letter from the dog warden.

So yes, put me and my 'livestock' in the woods! With several guns please.

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
genuck said:
Sommrluv said:
This makes me want to go live in the woods on a mountain somewhere.

With guns.
I agree.

It's a shame how the government is letting or allowing these groups to take away our rights to own animals. Thankfully at least I think in PA they have noticed the impact of mandatory spay neuter laws on state revenue when those rights are taken away. Fewer vet visits, less money spent on feed, fewer visits to pet stores, fewer people employed in these areas. That doesn't cover everything but you get the idea.

For me personally, I live on what's left of an old farm on a street zoned residential except for me. I have a church and a mechanic past me so we get a lot of traffic. I have had animal control called on me so many times it's not funny. 'horse has been down for 3 days', horse takes a nap in her favorite spot at the same time every day. 'sheep is tied to a pole', sheep loves pole, sheep rubs on pole, sheep sleeps by pole. 'dog is chained and has no food or water', dog runs away and bites people when not chained, dog ate food, dog has water. (nevermind someone would need binoculars to tell this w/o coming on my property.) I am constantly watching my ass, no friendly neighbors here.

On another note when a friend had a similar issue he was told by the authorities 'do it somewhere no one can see you.' BTW his neighbor has 5 dogs running loose and 'animal control has been called numerous times' nothing has been done. They chase kids on bikes, cars, no one can walk down the street. My poodle sticks a toe on the asphalt and I get a letter from the dog warden.

So yes, put me and my 'livestock' in the woods! With several guns please.
Don't forget the ammo. Oh wait, they, the government are counting that now too. Glad I know how to reload.;)