Soylent Green Anyone


Exploring the pasture
Aug 11, 2011
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crazyturkeydesigns said: Wow wow wow. Just goes to show that people will make up just about any excuse to stir up trouble where there isn't any. :idunno
I've heard that specifically about dogs and cats, but someone used it this past week about pigs and chickens....What? LOL


Loving the herd life
May 15, 2011
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hyndman, PA
I forgot to add that I also received a letter from PETA telling me how cruel and lonely it was for my dog to be chained. That I should trade in the 20ft chain for a 10x10 kennel or fence in my yard. Yeah this was my Pyre whom BROKE a heavy gauge welded chain, could jump a six foot fence in stride and had a death wish for about five cars and the school bus. They did offer some free straw if I wanted them to 'help out'.

Don't be fooled by PETA or HSUS, both of them are launching these campaigns against 'cruelty' not because they care about animals. They want to ban pet ownership all together. Animals should not be 'slaves'. They get the government and celebrities on their side and when these spay neuter laws pop up it's breeders groups that have to band together and get public donations to try and stop them. I used to work at Petsmart, for a while they had a copy of the letter PETA sent them threatening to 'generate' a negative campaign against them if they didn't stop selling birds and small animals. PS politely told them to stick it. If they can get control of the pet industry the family farmer will be cake.

Ok I'm done :)


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
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N. Kentucky
Sommrluv said:
I just want to say I completely disagree with the way things were handled in that six bells rabbit raid and confiscation. Rabbits shouldn't be fixed and adopted off without a judge's order or ruling. Searches shouldn't be made without warrants. And I disagree with the philosophy of the HRS.

But they just released this pictures and it makes me start to wonder about the validity of the complaints against bell.

I'm not familiar with Angora's at all, so I have no idea if that's a normal amount of matting or not. It does look like the cages or bowls haven't been cleaned in a while, and not everyday as I read in one article.,0,7690396.photogallery

I'm newer to rabbits, so I'd love some input as to whether that's reasonably expected type of build-up if you're doing an all out cleaning once a week, or what.

My chicken coop gets dust on my fan, as in the picture shows,if I miss a saturday cleaning, so probably about every 14 days. If I'm not in there cleaning and de-dusting, it will literally look like no human has touched the place. Not sure if that's dust from the birds, the feed, the hay, or whatnot. I do the outside runs every three days. So those pictures I don't find "deplorable" but I'm hesitant about the rest. I've been reading here much longer than I've been a member so I value everyone's opinion here.
I do not know if her rabitts were living in "deplorable" conditions or not. If they were the situation needed to be addressed.

I disagree that the government can come in, sieze your property and destroy years worth of breed development by sterilizing your animals before you even have a chance to defend yourself in court. All of it based on someone's opinion as if you are taking care of them or not. Even if she is found not guilty, her business is gone! How can you follow laws when they are subjective? How are you supposed to run your business when you are never certain what the requirements are and can change on a whim?

We all know the "animal welfare" groups have agendas. Some of those agendas is to abolish raising animals for food or the breeding of pets completely.


Ridin' The Range
Feb 20, 2011
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Correct me if I'm wrong but the article I read stated that the warrant wasn't issued till after the raid. That sort of puts the cart before the horse.

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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hoodat said:
Correct me if I'm wrong but the article I read stated that the warrant wasn't issued till after the raid. That sort of puts the cart before the horse.
That's called Government covers the butt of the stool pigeion. That's the way they work. If they had a warrant before the raid, they would have to disclose who the complaint came from. And in this way, all they have to say is, officer so-and-so noticed odd condition or questionable animal practice. etc.

That's the way the government wrote the laws. Rat out your fellow man and hide behind the government while doing it. That's how you get "atta boys". I know this practices all too well in New Jersey when it pertains to environment. Been there.


Ridin' The Range
Feb 20, 2011
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Sommrluv said:
I might never ever leave this discussion board. I could mention a desire for semi-reclusive living AND firearms and I'm not run out on a board! :D

To be fair, it runs in my blood. My father left Arkansas for the "big city" and lived outside Philadelphia for a while...and than retreated back to a mountaintop in Arkansas at the end of a rather confusing dirt road.
In the mountainous parts of Oklahoma and Arkansas the prevailing attitude is,"You don't tell someone what they can or can't do on their own property". It's probably the best part of the country to live in if you want to be free of intefering neighbors. Not that everyone doesn't know just about everything about you. There are no secrets in small towns but they let you live your life as you see fit so long as it doesn't interfere with their right to do the same.


The Rabbit Queen
Dec 11, 2010
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Columbia, SC
crazyturkeydesigns said:
Sommrluv said:
This makes me want to go live in the woods on a mountain somewhere.

With guns.
I also agree.

Big Ag business is absolutely terrifying; the article mentions the movie "Food, Inc." which is a fabulous but highly disturbing movie about the agriculture business in the US. It's spiraling out of control (or is it into control??) and has NO system of checks and balances. They can do what they want, how they want, and when they want to. When there's an outbreak of e. coli in their hamburger or salmonella in their poultry, do people stop to think about how those animals are treated? These mass animal manufacturers should treat these animals the best they possibly can; after all, they feed the most people, right? Shouldn't americans care about what they eat? It's ridiculous that most don't; so what if the beef I'm eating came from a cow that had a diet that it was never able to properly digest? So what if the chickens on the table were confined to the smallest of cages and fed until they couldn't walk??
The ag business isn't what really makes me mad; it does, but I guess it's the fact that people who attack the rural farmers totally overlook the big business (one of the benefits of being unchecked, I guess). It's all "OH YOU EVIL EVIL PERSON RAISING ANIMALS FOR CONSUMPTION HOW COULD YOU!!!" And then, no matter how well your animals are treated/cared for/housed, it's not enough. Your livestock are treated cruelly, fed poor diets, and live in "deplorable" conditions. :he
PETA (who I have a large problem with) has attacked, or attempted to, big ag before, with little coming from it. So instead of working towards getting rid of actual animal abuse and mistreatment, they go after us little folk. They've been to fairs here *harassing* children who have taken market animal projects (like pigs, chickens, steers, turkeys, ducks, sheep, goats, rabbits, etc).
"Do you think you're treating you're animal with kindness and compassion?"
"How do you think your animal feels knowing that you're sending it to it's death?"
"How could you treat your animal this way?"
"How could you be so CRUEL??"
I'm not talking older kids who may actually be able to defend themselves, I'm talking young kids who have cared and cared for these animals and more often than not, get upset when they think about their animal being a meat animal. So they attack these kids, usually making them cry. This past week they were at our fair video taping (and harassing a parent of a 4-Her who is confined to a wheelchair) the "conditions" the animals were in. They don't see the work the kids do keeping those pens clean. They don't see how hard they work keeping the animal clean (like the steers getting almost daily baths) and always always always have clean fresh water and food.
Oh no, it's "those pens are so small just like jail cells for the animals to sit and await their deaths!!"
These animals were raised from the very beginning for consumption. They were raised with love and with care. They were raised responsibly. There is NO viable reason to attack small farmers, animal owners, or 4-Hers. These are people who think they know and don't. These are people who feed into big ag business and don't care. So what if they're vegan! If they buy veggies from a grocery store, it's the same thing. The hypocrisy in these "humane" organizations drives me up a wall. :smack
They need to keep their brown noses out of my barn and coop. It's my property and they're my animals. I have every right in the world to raise them for family consumption, showing, pets, breeding, whatever.
Sorry about the rant, this stuff just pushes all of my buttons. Every single one. It's terrifying that the government holds so much power and lets organizations like HRS have so much power. Pretty soon we're all going to be :duc and that's not a comforting thought.
I'd like to see one of those PETA people try and come and harass me and my 4-H friends! :rant I love my rabbits so much and I can't even imagine someone saying Im not taking care of them. Why don't they go and harrass the people who really ARN'T taking care of their animals? Because there are people like there out there.

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
hoodat said:
Sommrluv said:
I might never ever leave this discussion board. I could mention a desire for semi-reclusive living AND firearms and I'm not run out on a board! :D

To be fair, it runs in my blood. My father left Arkansas for the "big city" and lived outside Philadelphia for a while...and than retreated back to a mountaintop in Arkansas at the end of a rather confusing dirt road.
In the mountainous parts of Oklahoma and Arkansas the prevailing attitude is,"You don't tell someone what they can or can't do on their own property". It's probably the best part of the country to live in if you want to be free of intefering neighbors. Not that everyone doesn't know just about everything about you. There are no secrets in small towns but they let you live your life as you see fit so long as it doesn't interfere with their right to do the same.
Great to know there are places that still act like the United States of America that I know and love. Living in New Jersey, "the Federal Nanny State", it's getting tough to remember how a FREE Country should be. Ratting out your fellow man brings rewards to those who do. Those in New Jersey who do have made it an art form. I think other States are taking New Jersey's notes on how to promote "Ratting Out". It's turning into a excellent revenue maker. Big bucks on confiscations of anything. Examples: Children, pets (new law for court in protecting pets during domestic dispute/divorce :rolleyes:), property, etc. BTW: Guilty until proven innocent. Kind of backwards isn't it. Like search without warrants.