So sorry about the loss of the one kid - but what a DOUBLE BLESSING to have Spotz and the other baby still with you this evening! Spotz is a trooper and I'm glad to hear he is a keeper!
I hope Spotz feels better soon. I hope you get some rest soon, also. I can't imagine how stressful that is. I'm glad yall were able to save her. The baby is a real cutie!
Thanks everyone!! The baby is doing good, we just gave him more colostrum, and he started to poop lol ..Spotz is doing okay..she was munching on her hay and I think thats a good sign.. :/ ..I really hope she pulls through. She is literally the best goat we've ever had, we love her!! We are hoping she'll start getting up more and more. I think it's finally time to get a little sleep, I'm exhausted. Thanks for all the warm wishes sent to Spotz, we all appreciate it!
Spotz is doing better! She is up and walking around, eating and drinking. She's gone pee and poop. We have to give her more injections tomorrow morning, for infection, and pain/inflammation. Her baby is doing good as well, he's going potty like normal, and he eats VERY WELL!! we take Spotz back to the vet in about 2 weeks to get the stitches removed.
Glad Spotz is doing well. I bet yall have bonded even more. When Licorice had gotten sick as a young doe she knew we were the ones with the stuff to make her feel better (although she still hated getting the shots!). Since then she trusts me just about always and lets me do whatever I need. It sure does make them even more special after they pull through something scary like that!