Spotz's Kidding thread: C-SECTION MOM & BABY UPDATE! PAGE 13


Chillin' with the herd
Dec 20, 2011
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Just a little update on Spotz since Ive gotten a couple pm's about her. She is doing AMAZING!! :celebrate We have been letting her and Happy out of the kidding pen into our backyard, so she can be with the other goats, without being with the other goats...LOL. She has been trotting around playing with her baby. We are going out to get her a little goat blanket tonight, since she has no fur on her left side. She is an excellent mom to Happy, very protective of her baby. He never did learn how to nurse off of her, so we bottle feed him what we milk from her. She wants him to nurse so badly, she nudges him to go back and latch on but he never does :(...poor Spotz! But none-the-less she is the best goat mom! She is healing really well on her incision, we go back in about a week to get the stitches removed. Yeah, she is just doing better than we could have hoped for, and the vet could have imagined! She is our little trooper, we love her so much. People at the nursing home are missing her, we are going to let her recover a little more before we take her back.

As for Happy Feet (Spotz's baby)...He is a spunky little dude! We love him so much! He jumps into my arms whenever I go out to play with him and Spotz. He loves to suck on fingers...hasn't figured out yet that milk doesn't come from fingers, but he tries! One of our dogs loves him a little too much LOL. He will always have to check on Happy whenever we let them outside.. He has kind of adopted Happy as his baby, when Spotz needs a break from Happy.

Over all, they are both doing great! Thanks to everyone for the kind words and well wishes for our baby girl, and her baby! She has a ways to go with the recovery but each and every day she is getting more and more like the old Spotz that everyone loves :love . Only a little bit longer before she is back to playing with her best friend Picabo! :D :woot


Ridin' The Range
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Trinity TX
Wonderful news to hear! I'm so very happy for you and your goat family to see all is well :)