Stupid rams!


Loving the herd life
Jan 27, 2012
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My Leroy just died last week. We weren't sure if the other ram killed him or not. We thought he might have choked because he died within a 20 minute time frame. There weren't any signs of fighting, but then again, maybe there wouldn't be any physical signs. Ours had been penned together for a while prior. But I can relate because the ram that did die was the calm and friendly one. Why do the good die young? Of course, my big, fat older ram is alive and well. He'll probably live forever. Yes, the good die young and the favorites seem to go first. I am sorry for your loss too!

Someone asked about bodies? We got our skid loader and dug a big hole in the yard with the bucket. Then he had to cover it back up. Leroy is next to a new apple tree and I dedicated the tree in his honor. Sounds cheesy, but I like my animals. We will have to re-seed the grass. It was very difficult emotionally to have put him in the dirt. My husband wouldn't drive over it because it bothered him.:(