Teresa grabbed a picture of our resident Rat Snake taking in the sun over the hay barn door.
The other picture is a "just because" of Graceson and Whiskey laying in their favorite spot on the seat of the golf cart that Teresa uses. It has a roof so they pretty much hang out there sun or shine.
Rat Snake 22 June 2023.JPG
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Whiskey and Graceson on golf cart 22 June 2023.JPG
I take it that "auto correct" thought it was a rat "snack".... Of course, he is hopefully getting a rat snack when he is not taking a nap in the sun.....
Are those the only 2 "kittens" that are left of the 4 you "rescued" ... They look like life is pretty much to their liking.....
The snack could have been me since I don't look at the screen when I type. The female that had been so tame, disappeared but our neighbor up the hill started feeding her when they started seeing her around and she became their barn cat. The neighbor also has three rescue pit bulls that are fortunately cat tolerant. The other male hasn't been seen since we got home from the vet the day they were "fixed".
I love rat, gopher, and king snakes. Biologically correct pest control.
A friend at bridge came over to ask if she could borrow our Squirrelinator for her avocado tree. I told her it was a live trap and she would have to kill them. She thought she could just drive a few blocks away and release them. I told her "No", they'll just come back. I will find the tub we used with the trap to drown them. She wasn't too keen on it but another lady at the table assured her that she needed to terminate them, and drowning was the best way. No sense trapping them if you just release them somewhere.
She is elderly and when we explained you need to kill them, she was ok with it. I told her it would be easy to just immerse the cage in a tub of water and go in the house for a couple hours. When she came out she just had to empty the cage. I am not sure how it would work anyway, since she wants to put it in the front yard under the avocado tree. She wants us to chain it to the tree. I have a feeling some PETA person would let them out and destroy our cage.