Teresa & Mike CHS - Our journal


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
And Rocky is from Wendy! That makes me very happy that she and Pearl are doing so well. I need to run fecals on Rocky and Ringo 2.0. Ringo 2.0 had a bad case of tapeworms that I totally missed. He was laying out cow pies and had a dirty butt. I thought it was coccidia and gave him Corrid. I took a fecal and it was a big bunch of tapeworms. I hate those gross things. So I switched to Panacur on both boys, and sheep nutridrench. That little dog kennel that is their shelter sure is handy for closing it up and catching them. A bear hug, lift them off their front feet and stick the syringe in their mouth. Then nutridrench. Both are doing fine now, but I need to do another fecal, then probably another round of Panacur just to make sure.

When I test the whole flock, I’ll find a few with tapeworms. It’s just random. There were quite a few that had tapeworms after I got here. I read that cattle carry tapeworms and they are transmissible to sheep and goats. My 25 acres is part of what was a 3 generation cattle ranch, so there ya’ go. Never had coccidia before either, but Ringo 2.0 and 2 other ram lambs got hit with it. I almost took him to auction too, because the 3 of them just weren’t thriving. But he overcame it and took a good growth spurt. Then tapeworm. AARRGGHH!!!!

So anyway both boys are doing good now, they will get some ewes in the spring. I gotta get some more fence up so I can separate them. Always something.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
We had to call in our plumber for a phantom leak from our kitchen sink faucet. We checked all of the logical places and nothing appeared to be a problem. This has been going on for two weeks where there would be no water under the sink for a couple days and than all of a sudden, there was, It turned out that the interior of the faucet was degrading and it needed to be replaced. We kind of figured that it would be the best option to replace so we bought one and neither of us had to get under the sink to replace it.. And since we had already scheduled his visit and we needed to replace the bathroom faucet, we boght one of those also.

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Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
We are going to move all of the sheep tomorrow and separate Oshi and Pete from the ewes. We have to give feed in a couple of our paddocks and the one group reached the point today that we can't put the feed out without getting mobbed. For a few weeks, I could go out with a buggy whip and keep them off of me without a lot of problems but being much smarter than their reputation, they figured out that was all pretty much a bluff. For the last couple of weeks, Teresa has gone out with me with a step-in post and the whip and that worked pretty well.

The sheep must have had a meeting or something before we went out this evening and I literally got thrown aside as I was putting feed out. They all came in one big bunch and I would have been swept off of my feet except one of the ewes decided the best way to get to the food that I had put down was to run between my legs. She is a big girl and literally wound up with me on her back, which she didn't care for and started to run away. Of course, that was enough to throw me off and dump the rest of the feed as I cartwheeled of in the mud.

Sheep are so peaceful and so not so dumb as their reputation. :) They had seen enough of Teresa's guarding me to know that there was no pain involved. :)


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Mutton busting! I have to admit, I busted out laughing and wish I could have see a runaway ewe running off with you! Hahahaha!

I got tired of being mobbed and knocked down, bucket and feed flying, greedy ewes gobbling it up and the string of cuss words as I picked myself up. I bought 10’ feed bunks from Tractor Supply and now stand on the OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE.

Nah, nah, nah, you can’t get me!

But of course they are sheep, so they have front feet in the bunk, trying to stick their heads in the bucket as I pour the feed. For one ewe, I hand feed her while pouring feed so she doesn’t take the bucket.



Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Must be the week for mutton busting! As I was holding the ewe so the lamb could nurse she went under me (lucky we we in a small pen) lol I thought ‘ok - I didn’t train horses for nothing’, got legs on her and then made a comfy dismount. And of course it was a small pen 😊.
Good think you didn’t get trampled!!!
I accidentally “trained” mine to leave the stall so I can feed - yup those bunk feeders - they leave, I close the door, spread out feed, open the door and they all walk in. Of course I have a dog or two to help most of the time 😉.