Very nice work there Mike. Didn't seem like bragging to me... it is what it is and you produce nice looking items. I'm sure you'll do well selling items but don't know if you'll get true value at flea markets...
I know LS been there/done that. The only furniture we will build will be on commission. We have already had several inquiries during our renovation when people started seeing that all of the wood furniture in our house was made by us.
The fairs and Farmers Markets have a decent attendance and we can set up some racks with signs, turnings like bowls and ink pens, stoppers and that kind of thing.
We got over 2" of rain yesterday and it started again in the middle of the night. Just a steady rain and even our dry ponds are full of water.
We have had people tell us that sheep don't need nor want to spend time in a shelter. I guess they forgot to tell our sheep since they came out enough to eat their grain and then went right back in.
Mornin' Mike. Watched the radar as those storms moved north over you last night. Hope all is well there and no damage or losses. looked like you might have gotten just a few drops of rain and a bit of a breeze out of them. There were reports that us folks down here in the south have been experiencing drought conditions... With all the rain that we've gotten so far over the past month or two, I think that may have abated somewhat. I imagine you're plenty soggy there as well.
I was kind of curious... since you have all those ram lambs, were your intentions to keep one as a herd sire or did you buy a ram for your flock? I can't recall you mentioning...