I was hoping to get a picture of Maisy with "her" lambs but she was tired from patrolling all night and didn't want to get up to pose. She does a natural pose though that always makes you smile. I have had dogs for my whole life time but she holds the heart.
The bottle lambs are free to stay in their pen in the back yard but the gate is always open so they have started mingling with the herd. Maisy keeps them in sight at all times so they are in good hands.
The bottle lambs still aren't sure they fit in with the others but often when they don't go out, the others come to visit. Isn't this the way a back yard is supposed to look?
The rain is starting again but this weather cell isn't as large as the last few.
That is a beautiful scene. I've been putting Ringo and the ewes in pasture #2, they have cleaned it up. Time to mow it so the Bermuda grass can grow and come through. I'll put them on the pipeline. The lambs have been let out in the yard, so I get it on how a yard should look. Minus daylilies, minus amaryllis, minus the black eyed susan wildflowers, PLUS the serenity and beauty of watching lambs graze the yard. Ain't that the good life?
I have people that have known me most of my adult life that comment on how I seem so content now vs when they knew me before. I was pretty intense for most of that life but I can't even imagine being part of that life now.
BJ and I sat out in the yard (I use that term loosely, it's just a big open spot) watching the lambs this afternoon. We're both happier than we have ever been.
Who knew that 8 or 20 acres and a bunch of sheep could bring such joy?