Teresa & Mike CHS - Our journal

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
We pulled fecal samples on 4 of the ewes that have scours. They have been on some lush graze but the fecals showed some coccidia surprisingly since these ewes are 19 months old. We treated them with a dose of Corid and will do so each morning for the next several days. They being so tame makes it easy except Wild Thang was one of those that needed treated and she isn't much tamer now than two years ago.

Teresa and went in to Lewisburg to our favorite diner and enjoyed their Friday night fish/seafood buffet. Their whole fried catfish always blows my low carb routine but it sure tastes good. :)

We had another young man (a High School junior) come by tonight to see what he might be able to do to work for us occasionally. Jay hasn't been available as much as we would like so we started looking for someone to help. When the grass is growing the schedule gets a little bit pushy the way I set up my paddocks. I like to be able to slow down or quit about 2-3:00 but for the last month, it's been about 6 or so in the evening before it became shower time.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Wild Thang.....reckon she will ever settle down?

She is a calm baby now compared to when we got her. She is the first in line to hit a bucket but she can't be caught without a shepherds crook. I can move her in with several others in the crowd pen and she is calm but she will never be content to be handled. That's OK since she makes some beautiful lambs and trusts me enough to do what I need to do with her.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
The bottle lambs aren't real curious and seem content to stay by themselves. I do call the rest of them up so at least there is some interaction and hopefully not too much pecking order events when we wean them. They are well on their way to being weaned. They are only getting about 6-8 ounces each twice a day and free choice feed and graze. The gate is open to the other pastures and they might go out for a few minutes but then they come back to their safe zone in the yard. I don't blame them if for no other reason it is really shady and cooler than out in the paddocks. Maisy still keeps track of where they are and will come back in quite often to check on them.

Maisy and bottle lambs 18 May 2019.JPG

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Maisy is such a good girl. Maybe she's a little too much of a good girl during lambing......so helpful! :lol:

That was my fault. I did the math and wasn't expecting lambs for a couple of weeks or she would not have been in there with them. :)

Either way she is being as good of a Mama as she can be considering. :)


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Paris was such a wacko dog, that lambing made me nervous. It took a year for her to not want to bulldoze and attack the sheep, so lambing presented with a whole new set of problems. But she made me proud. She kept her distance, was respectful and protected them. I went to check on the sheep one morning and one was missing. Paris came up to the lot and gave me that gaze. I asked her where they were and she led me to a ewe with still wet twins, even looking over her shoulder to make sure I was following. I found a huge dead possum nearby that made the mistake of getting in the same pasture with the ewe.

These dogs are beyond the best dogs ever, even with all their quirks.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
The lambs have about another week and they will be fully weaned. They are only getting about 6-8 ounces two times a day. When they were getting fed the milk mixture we would put half of their daily milk in the bucket in the morning and the other half in the evening. We used frozen water bottles to keep it cold and never fed them warm milk. They would drink it slower and eat less at a time but more often like they do naturally.

I have 3 pork shoulders on the smoker and I cut the majority of the fat cap off before it goes on the smoker. The shoulders get a better smoke ring and Maisy gets a whole bunch of cooked pork treats when the fat cooks down.


  • Lamb feeding 19 May 2019.JPG
    Lamb feeding 19 May 2019.JPG
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  • Lamb feeding2 19 May 2019.JPG
    Lamb feeding2 19 May 2019.JPG
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  • Maisy treats.JPG
    Maisy treats.JPG
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