Ferguson K
Herd Master
I had a BC B.C. and a healer years back when we had sheep as well. Both were used. The heeler (Trixie) was great at pushing and direction but she had to be muzzled and was a terrorist (with her teeth) to everything from pigs to cattle, sheep and goats. We had this race track we built for the market animals (sheep and goats) That was 8 ft tall at the turns. When we ran them she could push them to the top. Talk about heavily muscled sheep and goats!
Catfish (the BC, also a red) had the best hold of any dog I ever owned. He had such a high need for work I found him a home with someone who needed a started dog to finish out. He had over 300 sheep for Catfish to work. I had 2. Trixie helped me work my market animals for 8 years before we both retired. I moved to pedigrees and she moved to the couch.
Catfish worked until the day he died.
Trixie took retirement in style and was a couch potato her last 5 years with me.
Catfish (the BC, also a red) had the best hold of any dog I ever owned. He had such a high need for work I found him a home with someone who needed a started dog to finish out. He had over 300 sheep for Catfish to work. I had 2. Trixie helped me work my market animals for 8 years before we both retired. I moved to pedigrees and she moved to the couch.
Catfish worked until the day he died.
Trixie took retirement in style and was a couch potato her last 5 years with me.