That was a large round bale 5 days ago. The bale was originally placed horizontally and they were eating out of the side on the bottom and we pushed it over to keep it from falling on one of them. I remembered a casualty that another BYH'r had from a similar situation. I wouldn't have thought it a problem if that had not happened to them.
We are literally in the middle of southern Middle Tennessee. If you are familiar with I65 between Huntsville, AL and Nashville we are 3 miles off of exit 22. If you look at a map we are 3 miles west of the little town of Cornersville.
Weather was pretty today and we got the last of the wood posts set and almost 2/3 of the T-posts for the new nursery paddock. One of the neighbor sons schedule hasn't fit and we got tired of waiting so the other neighbors son showed up this afternoon and we got a bunch done. Hope to start stretching wire tomorrow depending on the weather.
All of those big tree limbs are a leftover from when the tornado threw our stock trailer into a couple of Bradford Pear Trees.
We still need to cut the braces and put them up tomorrow. We are going to try and at least wire the first 300' of the total 600' on the west side which is the second picture. We have T-posts set for 800' so far which is over half of the paddock. The area to the left of the fence is going to be a 25' lane with hot wire being used as the inner perimeter. We may get done by the weekend depending how sore Teresa and I are tomorrow. She is a trooper sharing post post hole digger duty cleaning out almost 4' holes.
The good news is that except for one fence post hole the auger was able to do the job without any added weight.