We now have a single guinea hen in our chicken pen but no idea where she came from as none of the near neighbors have any. She spent most of the afternoon on the back side of the fence agitated since she couldn't figure out how to get in with the chickens. We opened one of the far gates and she came right in so she obviously has been penned up. She isn't tame but she is no more skittish than our chickens.
I just saw a good use of zucchini on Facebook and it makes good use of those that you let get a little bit too big also.
Slice into rounds and place in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Then add toppings like you would for a regular pizza: sauce, pepperoni, and mozzarelli and then bake in the oven.
We found the owner of the guinea hen and they are going to come over tonight at roosting time to see if they can't catch it. It stayed in the coop the first night but wouldn't go in last night so we shall see.
We picked another half bushel of green beans this afternoon then pulled the plants. We have enough green beans now processed to last through winter but planted another small bed of them to supply fresh beans through to the fall. We gave several melons away since there is no way we can eat what we now have before they go bad. We have more than enough in the freezer to do us.
The Acorn and Butternut squash are coming along great and hopefully we can harvest most of them so I can clean the weeds out the big bed that they are now in.
The sweet corn that we bought the other day wound up yielding a little over 16 pounds of cut corn. That all got vacuum sealed. We have enough okra to keep us through winter already so I'm opening that bed up to a neighbor who loves okra but doesn't have room to grow it.