From the pic she looks Good to me, and it would be really good if she is carrying at least 1 female from that other ram. That way ya could stay away from line breeding so soon with Ringo.
I wish I knew more of the history of our sheep. I think Hoss would make a good herd sire but not at our place obviously. He is going to be one big boy but loses his manhood Friday.
He is a nice looking boy, to say the least....wish I was in a position to talk to ya about him, but have decided to stick with goats. If I were younger or in better health I wouldn't mind diversifying, but not at this stage of things. He'll make Ringo a good companion, too.
I'm sorry... old timers setting in... Have you gone and picked up the ram herd sire you've been talking about for a while? I thought you'd said you were getting him some time ago, but maybe I'm mistaken... That table looks awesome. I'm quite certain getting a blow/hoof to the face wasn't all that enjoyable for you. Glad you've got it all worked out now. making thinghs easier is always a good thing.
We haven't picked up the ram yet. They wanted to use him for some ewes they had not planned on breeding yet. It works for us and we will pick up one of their ewes due to lamb in early April.
We had the vet out today and turned the 5 boys into wethers and gave all of the lambs their shots. The whole process only took about 20 minutes. We took stools from 4 of the ewes and had them run fecals this morning since they were coming out this afternoon. The vet said they were some of the cleanest sheep samples that he had seen so we didn't worm any of the adults and will keep an eye on them.
All of the male lambs are acting like nothing happened but our big #3 wether is looking at us like he knows what happened.