Ditto... that's how it was done to wormy over at @Devonviolet s place.
That is how we did it in "Sheep Production" lab back in college. Cut the bottom off, pull out the testicles with pliers (unless one wanted to use their teeth, don't recall anyone doing that!) and spray some sort of powder from a squeeze bottle inside the scrotum. Not much in the way of blood since the VDs kind of shred. I think another method is to scrape the VDs until they part but pulling is FAST, kind of like pulling a bandaid off quickly versus a slow pull. Pretty much the boys just went on their way when it was done. Has to be less painful than using an emasculator (and guaranteed to work) and no waiting for a bunch of tissue to die off. Mostly the lambs were not happy with being caught up and sat on the fence.That was the same way they did it here also.