How old were your ram lambs when you had them castrated? I cut my first ones just past a week old. This year's 3 got cut at almost a month and it was harder on them. I have a new ram lamb and I'll cut him either this week or next, but it won't be long before he is relieved of his hangy-downy parts.
He seems to be acting normally tonight. His mom isn't happy since we have them segregated but it is what it is. I know a lot of people would have put the lamb down rather than do the vet thing but we don't feel that way.
You did the right thing, IMO. If he couldn't be used for meat why waste his life? If he was suffering sure, but he doesn't seem to be. The world needs more farmers who would have made the same decision as you.
The boy seems to be doing good tonight and came over for some petting so he isn't holding it against us.
We decided to divide our new paddock in half so we can keep the ram and the wethers in one half and the rest of the flock in the other half. We can keep what is now our sheep pen as a quarantine pen for the ewe we will be bringing in this week. We got the main wood posts set and should be able to get the woven wire put up tomorrow. it is only 200' across..
Having lived nearly 30 years on a lot that was 44'x100' "only 200 feet" is an oxymoron. Yes, even though the west fence line I put in last December is "only 310 feet" and is only 1/3 the width of the property at that point. I'm sure I will eventually work that out in my mind
That sounds like a good plan. I'm thinking that I may have to make 2 areas with mine too. The goats don't really like the cats and try to butt them ever chance they get, so I'm thinking they might not like the birds either, but we'll just have to wait and see.