Teresa & Mike CHS - Our journal

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Guess that you decided that the prices were good enough to make a trip rather than band and put in the freezer???? I don't blame you one bit. That is why we have sold down on so many heifer calves this year. Prices dictate that we are VERY picky about keeping one for a replacement with what they are bringing. That and problems with getting kill dates means that you don't want to feed too many for too long and cull and then not have dates to kill.

That's why we took him in as it is only 12 miles away and we didn't even need to hook up the trailer for one lamb. He brought in enough to pay for the hay we have used so far. :)

We are going to have a huge vet bill this week. Grayson has become tame enough that we took him in to get fixed. Whiskey must have heard us talking since he is nowhere around yet today. Tally disappeared about three weeks ago but we had put the live traps out last night to see what we might catch and Tally was in one of them. She was quite a bit bigger than when she disappeared, so she is probably pregnant which makes it a good time to get her fixed. Our vet doesn't need appointments for male cats so he can be taken care of the next time he comes in.

We also caught a possum in one of the traps in the chicken yard.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Whiskey came in to the porch this morning and the last of the four feral cats was in a live trap this morning so they go in to the vet this morning and we can bring Grayson home. Our neighbor's LGD went down with Rabies so we are going to have the vet quarantine Tally and the other cat to make sure they don't have issues. Murphy is alive and active as I got the definite smell of skunk when Mel came in to eat this morning. Maisy is needing a bath also so both Mel and Maisy go in for that since we will have mild weather for the next several days.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Our neighbor's LGD went down with Rabies
They don't give their dogs rabies shots?

Murphy is alive and active as I got the definite smell of skunk when Mel came in to eat this morning.
Night before last I went out well past dark to make sure all the girls were in the coop (2 weren't of course).

Step 1: count the girls on the roosts to make sure I know where everyone is and check for eggs.
Step 2: move the wayward girls onto a roost.
Step 3: close the coop door, say goodnight to the animals and leave, closing the south door behind me.

That night there was step 0.5 .... open the people door so I can go in to do step 1 and watch a skunk scamper out of the coop. :th It went under the alpaca stand, came out the other side, got stopped by some loose chicken wire I use to block the chicks from the big girls (last used in June/July) but managed to squeeze under it and hightail it out the south barn door. I've closed the south door after late day scratch time so I don't have that happen again.

Those darn things are supposed to be asleep this time of year! And it was cold, near 0°F so it shouldn't have been up for a "warm day" outing. It does, however, explain she slightly skunky smell I've been noticing.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Those darn things are supposed to be asleep this time of year! And it was cold, near 0°F so it shouldn't have been up for a "warm day" outing. It does, however, explain she slightly skunky smell I've been noticing.

It's skunk breeding season around here. We found the skunk dead in the pasture and put it on the burn pile.