The journey into the abyss of no return


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I have butchered older sows and gotten all the normal cuts off them... hogs do not get tough like beef can... I had several big sows when the prices were really bad... that weighed over 400 lbs.... that I had butchered and did ham steaks, pork chops, everything...
By the looks of the hogs when you got them, they were not being fed much or well, so were super lean to the point of almost being thin... they will put on more fat as they get older... and a hog that is over 300 lbs does not gain weight efficiently for the amount of feed consumed... they put on more fat.
A hog never really stops growing... not like a beef cow or a sheep or goat... that have an average size they reach and mostly maintain... although they will get obese if continued to be fed alot... but say on good pasture with enough normal exercise, they will not get obese. A hog in "captivity" will continue to eat and get bigger and fatter if not restricted... Like the feral hogs in TX and other places... they will not get fat much because they are restricted by what they forage and the amount of exercise on top of the "breed" they are...

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
They periodically take pics, go assess anything new. Couple yrs ago they came to my farm, sent a letter I had to pay permit fees for a new building AND was in violation of housing as someone living in said building. 😳😳😂. I made them come out to view the storage of equipment in said "residence". witness no power, running water facilities. Then showed them their own satellite pics from 12+ yrs back, of the carport, in same pasture. I'd put some used tin on sides for keeping rain off stores inside.

🤣🤣 That was end of that !!!! Carports were portables since held in place by pins pounded into ground. All legal, no permit or tax. Thanks satellite!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I don't know about show animals... around here backfat is not something that is ever mentioned at any of the stockyards... just weight and people look at the animal getting sold... I do not do anything with FFA or 4-H youth so really have no experience. I do know that the hogs that win are those with the double muscled type hams... but @Ridgetop would be the one to go to for show stock. I had a hard time with what they look for in these youth market animal shows... the way the kids get sponsors and then the animal sells for totally ridiculous amounts of money that the kids put towards schooling costs, and it is not a good representative of what REAL farming is all about... it just seems way to artificial to me and I could never personally support it...
Hogs are not wanted for "LARD" anymore... yet look at the price of Lard you can buy in the grocery store.... better than anything for flaky pie crust... and better for frying too...


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I had a Great Pyrenees that put duck on his menu and he ate my muscovies. He snarled up and lunged at me over his kill. WRONG THING TO DO. There happened to be a 4’ pine limb laying on the ground. I picked it up and beat the crap out of him. He finally broke and ran with me chasing him, screaming like a banshee and still whaling on him with the pine branch until he outran me.

Then he decided guineas were on the menu. Strangely he left chickens alone. Great dog, but not with poultry.

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