Herd Master
So a neighbor put 10 bulls in a field next to you with falling down rotten fence? Will they trample it and come on your place?
I say - Go For It!Maybe I should get a drone, what do you guys think?
Here is the fence in question, skip to 3:28 to see it.
That's a good one as well. Like the 45 min flight time. I didn't look too closely at it, but if it has a "Return to Home" function you're golden. We had ours set up programmed flight around the ranch to watch the progress of the build.Looked up that drone and wow, very expensive for nowadays still. I was thinking also of using mine to check on animals across the properties, and keep watch on things. Hear something, send a drone up and it can cut across all this acreage faster and cheaper than I can an ATV. One of my pet peeves is driving across my properties where the driveways aren't at and it's 900' from pole barn to road, flying it is only 300'. When it comes time to put fence up it will help. Stand at one property pin and send drone up from another property pin, shoot an azimuth and that's the way I need to go with t-post or whatever. Cheaper than having a surveyor out here.
If it doesn't get banned, I think this is a great one. Lastly, it will be great in the summer time for when wildfire season kicks off I can spot wildfires and see what is going on.