Tribute to Latestarter

Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
Reaction score
Wilson, Wi
I see only 2 flying pigs on that site (with a search)


I found lots by Googling Flying Pig and looking at images, don't know how many are free to use. I did go to one site and under pricing chose "0" (hopefully that means free??): pig&lastsearchvalue=flying pig&s_all=n&s_ph=n&s_il=y&s_video=n&s_audio=n&s_ad=n&s_sl0=y&s_rf=y&s_ed=y&s_orp=y&s_orl=y&s_ors=y&s_orw=y&s_clc=y&s_clm=y&s_rsf=0&s_rst=7&sortcriteria=2
I’d seen the bottom one as well. I think it’s cute as heck.
I haven’t quite figured out the joke about flying pigs in Latestarter’s journal yet. But I do know all about things that will get done when pigs fly, they don’t get done.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
We had a fun day. We couldn't get the truck off the driveway because of mud. Rounding up goats is a lot like herding cats, :\ especially goats that don't know these strange people who are pointing them in the direction of a BIG RED THING that is almost sure to EAT GOATS. Solution? RUN!! :barnie Run in 47 different directions. I realize there were only 16 goats, but you weren't there, so believe me when I say they ran in 47 different directions. I am truly amazed that they didn't sprout wings and FLY like Joe's pig that he didn't get to eat. :gig

We were dealing with heavy bred does, we sure didn't want to scare them or hurt them, so we cobbled together a small pen to walk them into, but obviously they didn't get the memo and they ran like a bat out of He!! with it's tail on fire. We finally got them in the small pen, we made a run to the trailer with a cow panel (gosh I love cow panels) and one by one, they decided that the cow panel space was vastly much more better than these 3 goony people walking towards them, and we were able to corner them up and into the trailer. Joey had to lift several in the trailer. And the babies? They hopped in the trailer like it was FUN and a BIG ADVENTURE.

When we got there, they had already caught several and had them clipped to the fence. That was a big help, the rest of the goats were not interested. :D =D RJ and 2 wethers were in a pen, so maybe there were 10 goats running in 47 different directions. :weee We cornered RJ and the 2 wethers up, Joey grabbed collars and we snapped lead ropes on. RJ was a bad boy and butted Joey for giggles and grins on the way to the trailer. Joey was not a happy camper, getting his butt, butted. :lol:

@SonOfALateStarter you might be interested in knowing that when we got to the auction barn, I walked RJ to a pen with DV's husband opening gates for me. RJ got a little feisty and I trash talked him every step of the way. I was in NO MOOD to take crap off a bully buck. It must have worked, he straightened right up and only threatened to butt me. I threatened to stomp him if he did. :smack I know he understood every word, there was a whole lot of words I won't repeat here. ;)

The does were easy to unload, I snapped a lead rope on one and lead her to a pen and tied her up. DV and my husband coaxed the rest out, slowly, unsure, they eased down the pipe fence aisles. As they moved forward, BJ walked behind them, closing gates.

For some reason, known only to the owner of the place, there was a very low pipe across the walkway we used. DV's husband walked right in to it and slammed his head. The words of LOW CIELING rang out, my husband cautioned me against slamming my head into the low hanging pipe and durned if he didn't walk into it! :rantAt breakfast, our husbands compared bumps, I told DV that we married a couple of knotheads. :love

For all our fumbling, we got the goats unloaded, safely into large pens, watered, fed and given hay. :yesss:

What a relief to have the goats in a safe place until the sale. DV was beside herself, worried over them and worried that coyotes would find them and go on a killing spree. Since Joe mentioned coyotes at the back of his pasture, frequently, it wouldn't have taken long.

Joey, thank you so very much for staying and helping to load up the goats. I know you miss your family and were ready to go home. Thank you for the extra time it took to get them loaded. We couldn't have done it without you. I hope you have a safe trip back home.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I’d seen the bottom one as well. I think it’s cute as heck.
I haven’t quite figured out the joke about flying pigs in Latestarter’s journal yet. But I do know all about things that will get done when pigs fly, they don’t get done.
Keep reading his journal, you'll find it. And you will laugh your ham hocks off when you read that story!


Overrun with beasties
Feb 25, 2019
Reaction score
We had a fun day. We couldn't get the truck off the driveway because of mud. Rounding up goats is a lot like herding cats, :\ especially goats that don't know these strange people who are pointing them in the direction of a BIG RED THING that is almost sure to EAT GOATS. Solution? RUN!! :barnie Run in 47 different directions. I realize there were only 16 goats, but you weren't there, so believe me when I say they ran in 47 different directions. I am truly amazed that they didn't sprout wings and FLY like Joe's pig that he didn't get to eat. :gig

We were dealing with heavy bred does, we sure didn't want to scare them or hurt them, so we cobbled together a small pen to walk them into, but obviously they didn't get the memo and they ran like a bat out of He!! with it's tail on fire. We finally got them in the small pen, we made a run to the trailer with a cow panel (gosh I love cow panels) and one by one, they decided that the cow panel space was vastly much more better than these 3 goony people walking towards them, and we were able to corner them up and into the trailer. Joey had to lift several in the trailer. And the babies? They hopped in the trailer like it was FUN and a BIG ADVENTURE.

When we got there, they had already caught several and had them clipped to the fence. That was a big help, the rest of the goats were not interested. :D =D RJ and 2 wethers were in a pen, so maybe there were 10 goats running in 47 different directions. :weee We cornered RJ and the 2 wethers up, Joey grabbed collars and we snapped lead ropes on. RJ was a bad boy and butted Joey for giggles and grins on the way to the trailer. Joey was not a happy camper, getting his butt, butted. :lol:

@SonOfALateStarter you might be interested in knowing that when we got to the auction barn, I walked RJ to a pen with DV's husband opening gates for me. RJ got a little feisty and I trash talked him every step of the way. I was in NO MOOD to take crap off a bully buck. It must have worked, he straightened right up and only threatened to butt me. I threatened to stomp him if he did. :smack I know he understood every word, there was a whole lot of words I won't repeat here. ;)

The does were easy to unload, I snapped a lead rope on one and lead her to a pen and tied her up. DV and my husband coaxed the rest out, slowly, unsure, they eased down the pipe fence aisles. As they moved forward, BJ walked behind them, closing gates.

For some reason, known only to the owner of the place, there was a very low pipe across the walkway we used. DV's husband walked right in to it and slammed his head. The words of LOW CIELING rang out, my husband cautioned me against slamming my head into the low hanging pipe and durned if he didn't walk into it! :rantAt breakfast, our husbands compared bumps, I told DV that we married a couple of knotheads. :love

For all our fumbling, we got the goats unloaded, safely into large pens, watered, fed and given hay. :yesss:

What a relief to have the goats in a safe place until the sale. DV was beside herself, worried over them and worried that coyotes would find them and go on a killing spree. Since Joe mentioned coyotes at the back of his pasture, frequently, it wouldn't have taken long.

Joey, thank you so very much for staying and helping to load up the goats. I know you miss your family and were ready to go home. Thank you for the extra time it took to get them loaded. We couldn't have done it without you. I hope you have a safe trip back home.

Thank you so much for your help! I'm glad you out RJ in his place, he can be a butthead when he wants. I wish you got some video of RJ butting Joey!

Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
Reaction score
Wilson, Wi
It does sound like quite a day. Humor, laughs, sadness, and hard work. I so wish someone could have bought the entire herd, including RJ and the two wethers. I couldn’t even have paid $75-100 for each one. I sure would of hated putting any goat through such a long trailer ride as well. Much less some babies and pregnant does. I think I would have loved RJ instantly, or after he had a good soapy shower. He has character, attitude, and quirks. He would have fit in our farm really well. I’m so hoping that someone will see their fine qualities and provide them with a fabulous home as a whole herd or in a couple of respectable size herds. I will be heartbroken if they are all split up, eaten, or receive less than Joe’s standard of love and care.

I’ve been thinking about him a lot these last couple of days. I miss his comments, posts, and encouragement. I also wonder how he would of dealt with some of the things I’ve been experiencing and working through. But, he has now finally retired. I hope he has many amazing times of fishing, lost family, and do the things he would have liked doing in his retirement. I hope when people die they get to go on as they once did at their highest point of their lives, painfree, younger, at peace, and get to do the things they never quite got the chance to do or do enough of.
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