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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
He moved from Colorado to Mount Pleasant, Texas, about 1 hour 30 minutes from us. So we got to visit back and forth, also with Devonviolet who lives close to Suplhur Springs. We would all get together for lunch or dinner and visit, it was fun.

Priefert is Located in Mount Pleasant and one time they had some gates on sale. Joe offered to bring us the gates and I said I'd cook lunch for us. Joe was a good cook on his own, but like anyone who cooks, he enjoyed somebody else's cooking for a change. So he brought the gates, we paid him for them and we had lunch and a great visit. He laid a couple of 2x4's on the truck tailgate to support the gates, then strapped them down. Before he left, he closed the tailgate and the 2x4s were sticking out. He walked right into them and smacked himself in the head. He got a big lump and it hurt. I couldn't help myself, I laughed. That was so JOE! Hahaha

Even though he’s gone did he go on BYH
His journal is still here, @Devonviolet started this thread to honor him and to let everyone know that he was gone. She and her husband lived closer to him than we did, so they cared for his goats and dogs when he was in the hospital. Then they really stepped up and cared for them until his kids could come and settle things. @B&B Happy goats came from Florida to get Mel, Joe's Great Pyrenees/Anatolian Livestock Guard Dog. It was great to meet her, but under sad circumstances. Joe's son took the other dog. Devonviolet found an auction that would take the goats, we brought our trailer and got the goats loaded and taken to the auction.

B&B Happy goats had Mel in Florida and loved him dearly, but she realized that he wasn't living his full potential. She and @Mike CHS decided that Mel would be happier on Mike's farm, so she took Mel to Mike and his wife. Mel is supremely happy with Maisy, Mike's Great Pyrenees, and together they watch over the sheep.

I miss my friend. When pigs fly Joe! :flypig


Loving the herd life
Jan 28, 2021
Reaction score
He moved from Colorado to Mount Pleasant, Texas, about 1 hour 30 minutes from us. So we got to visit back and forth, also with Devonviolet who lives close to Suplhur Springs. We would all get together for lunch or dinner and visit, it was fun.

Priefert is Located in Mount Pleasant and one time they had some gates on sale. Joe offered to bring us the gates and I said I'd cook lunch for us. Joe was a good cook on his own, but like anyone who cooks, he enjoyed somebody else's cooking for a change. So he brought the gates, we paid him for them and we had lunch and a great visit. He laid a couple of 2x4's on the truck tailgate to support the gates, then strapped them down. Before he left, he closed the tailgate and the 2x4s were sticking out. He walked right into them and smacked himself in the head. He got a big lump and it hurt. I couldn't help myself, I laughed. That was so JOE! Hahaha

His journal is still here, @Devonviolet started this thread to honor him and to let everyone know that he was gone. She and her husband lived closer to him than we did, so they cared for his goats and dogs when he was in the hospital. Then they really stepped up and cared for them until his kids could come and settle things. @B&B Happy goats came from Florida to get Mel, Joe's Great Pyrenees/Anatolian Livestock Guard Dog. It was great to meet her, but under sad circumstances. Joe's son took the other dog. Devonviolet found an auction that would take the goats, we brought our trailer and got the goats loaded and taken to the auction.

B&B Happy goats had Mel in Florida and loved him dearly, but she realized that he wasn't living his full potential. She and @Mike CHS decided that Mel would be happier on Mike's farm, so she took Mel to Mike and his wife. Mel is supremely happy with Maisy, Mike's Great Pyrenees, and together they watch over the sheep.

I miss my friend. When pigs fly Joe! :flypig
Awww this is AWSOME

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
I miss my friend. When pigs fly Joe! :flypig

You did a great job of putting a whole lot of history into a couple of paragraphs perfectly. Joe was a good friend to so many people on here. There have been so many times when Mel likes to sit right in front of me about 2" away from my face, and just stare. Every time he does that makes me think about how Joe loved this boy since I know he got that same look.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
@Mike CHS I have to tell you a Mel story. BJ and I, Devonviolet and her husband, were invited to Joe's for steaks. We got there, Joe was prepping the steaks for the grill. Naturally we had to go outside to see the latest improvements! Devonviolet and her sweet DH showed up, nobody was in the house, so they came outside to find us. They were laughing. The steaks were on the counter and Mel was in the kitchen-being a VERY good boy! For those of you who have never met Mel personally, he can walk up to the kitchen counter and lay that big head right down on it. Mel had not touched those steaks or if he licked one, he wasn't telling. :love