TTs Critter Pics & Ramblings

TTs Chicks

Loving the herd life
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
N Florida
Today has been a fairly productive day :weee DH mowed and cut up some limbs and trees and I worked on a couple of my critter projects.

My goats like to give me a hard time when I'm going in and out of my barn and I can't leave the door open or they'll help themselves to feed. I had some picket fence around so I decided to put a picket fence around my barn :D Now I can leave the doors open and if it's nice I can put my milk stand (that I finished tonight) outside of the barn to milk

Here is my milk stand made with wood that we had laying around - the 2x4 for the head gate I found at the dump this morning :celebrate
I need to put the latch on it and find a feed bucket to put on and I am gonna be a milking fool :weee

Made a few good finds at the dump this morning . . . several 2x4s, 3 or 4 5-gallon buckets, 2 old coffee cans about 1/3 full - one with nails and the other with small fence staples (which I am out of ) . . and we found this playhouse, it is dirty and is missing 1 shutter, but DS3 (and later the goats ;) ) like it.

I'm filthy and pooped - bout to hit the showers.

TTs Chicks

Loving the herd life
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
N Florida
I attempted to milk Onyx and Angel yesterday :rolleyes: Angel let me have a couple tablespoons and Onyx didn't let me have any :/ The babies had been with them all day. It was more of a let me see how getting them on the stand goes. The kids are on spring break this week so I had them lock the babies in the small pen around lunch time. Went out after I got home from work and I got about a cup from Angel and about a tablespoon from Onyx :/ Onyx tried to lay down on me! I had to put my shoulder under her to keep her from laying down :/ I will be glad when this gets easier on them and on me :D I am trying not to get frustrated since we are all first timers. Oh that little bit I got from Angel yesterday . . it was really tasty :drool

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
Before you start milking Onyx, put a 5 gallon bucket under her chest. When she goes to lay down, she will discover that she can't. ANd if you sit behind her and put your hands between her legs, she can't put her foot in the bucket without lifting her leg OVER your arms. All you have to do is put your arm up higher than she can lift her leg while moving the bucket right up under her udder with your other hand so she can't get her foot in it.

TTs Chicks

Loving the herd life
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
N Florida
I've been sitting next to her, maybe I should try from behind. I know it will get easier as soon as we get a routine worked out and get used to it :D


Owned by the Rotten Heifers
Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
The Natural State
Qm does the milking for me , I will someday soon start milking my own goats before I add too many goats and get over whelmed. Keep up the good work

TTs Chicks

Loving the herd life
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
N Florida
Last night was our monthly ladies night with the church so I left work early and rushed home to milk the girls. I need to start milking in the morning before work, I'm just not a morning person and I dread getting up now.

Thanks QM for the tip about milking from behind - did that last night and it was easier on my hands :) Onyx still tried to lay down, but I had my middle DS out there so he held her up and held her leg so she could kick me :lol: I told him I wished I had a camera and he said how would you take a picture ? with your 3rd arm that nobody knows about ?! :lol: sometimes that kid cracks me up.

Tonight I'm going to take the bucket to put under Onyx and I'm going to try to hobble her and see if that helps . . I did get more milk from her last night and I sprayed a lot of it on the stand, down my boots, in my boots . . . everywhere but the jar I was using :gig I have got to get a milk bucket or a good alternative for now.

TTs Chicks

Loving the herd life
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
N Florida
Tonight went much better :celebrate in fact if my stupid hand hadn't cramped I could have got more than I did! I hobbled both girls and put the bucket under Onyx. Angel was . . well an angel . . after I got her hobbled and cleaned I gave her her feed, she ate I milked :celebrate she finished eating and I milked some more, she looked back at me a couple of times but she was soooooo good! Onyx on the other hand kept sliding her feet off the side of the stand (the only direction she could move them) but she was better tonight than last so it's progress.

I think I'm gonna half to look into some kind of milker if my hands don't get used to this . . I want milk !! My hands need to cowboy up :D

Thanks ya'll for advice and support . . I love it here


Owned by the Rotten Heifers
Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
The Natural State
TTs Chicks said:
Tonight went much better :celebrate in fact if my stupid hand hadn't cramped I could have got more than I did! I hobbled both girls and put the bucket under Onyx. Angel was . . well an angel . . after I got her hobbled and cleaned I gave her her feed, she ate I milked :celebrate she finished eating and I milked some more, she looked back at me a couple of times but she was soooooo good! Onyx on the other hand kept sliding her feet off the side of the stand (the only direction she could move them) but she was better tonight than last so it's progress.

I think I'm gonna half to look into some kind of milker if my hands don't get used to this . . I want milk !! My hands need to cowboy up :D

Thanks ya'll for advice and support . . I love it here
:celebrate I love progress

TTs Chicks

Loving the herd life
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
N Florida
Thanks Autumn! More progress tonight :D I figured out I was doing something wrong - I figured out how to use my whole hand instead of just a couple fingers :hide It was much easier to milk once I figured it out :celebrate

Been a busy day, and the next couple are gonna be just as busy. Spring revival started tonight and goes through Sunday. Had to work (I leave home at 7 a.m. and get home around 5:30 p.m.), got home ran out milked the girls and fed up, came in strained the milk, gobbled down some fish sticks (DH was off today and that's what he fixed :/ ), left for Church got home around 8:30.

Tomorrow same thing, except DH works til 6 and we are gonna eat at church. I will probably have leave work a little early to get home to milk and feed before we head to church. After church I have to take the oldest 2 boys back to Tallahassee - middle DS is going to a sleepover for a birthday party Saturday and the oldest has a Poolee competition in Jacksonville Saturday and has to stay with the recruiter.

Saturday will be leave home at 6 am go to Jacksonville and get home after dark probably - guess the babies will get their mommas all day since I won't be home to milk.

Sunday will be church and then dinner on the grounds . . and I have to get middle DS home, but I might just get to breath and rest :D