Sounds like a healthy sibling relationship to me!
It sounds to me like they get on you more cause you "should know better" and leave it alone with your siblings. That still stinks though. Every family has those dynamics though...seriously. I was the baby/only girl and my brothers will tell you that I got all the breaks. Not true, I was the most responsible and my father knew I wouldn't do the stupid things my brothers did. (I learned from watching them get busted how NOT to get caught!) Now, I'm probably the biggest flake! But I don't ever talk to my that makes it easier I guess.
Hopefully their animals won't kill any more of your critters. If that was happening to me...I'd have to say some dogs might go missing....
Guess Rover ran away huh?!
It sounds to me like they get on you more cause you "should know better" and leave it alone with your siblings. That still stinks though. Every family has those dynamics though...seriously. I was the baby/only girl and my brothers will tell you that I got all the breaks. Not true, I was the most responsible and my father knew I wouldn't do the stupid things my brothers did. (I learned from watching them get busted how NOT to get caught!) Now, I'm probably the biggest flake! But I don't ever talk to my that makes it easier I guess.
Hopefully their animals won't kill any more of your critters. If that was happening to me...I'd have to say some dogs might go missing....