Vickir73 & The Chunky Dunk!! - pics of first show


Overrun with beasties
Aug 11, 2011
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Sounds like a healthy sibling relationship to me!
It sounds to me like they get on you more cause you "should know better" and leave it alone with your siblings. That still stinks though. Every family has those dynamics though...seriously. I was the baby/only girl and my brothers will tell you that I got all the breaks. Not true, I was the most responsible and my father knew I wouldn't do the stupid things my brothers did. (I learned from watching them get busted how NOT to get caught!) Now, I'm probably the biggest flake! But I don't ever talk to my that makes it easier I guess.
Hopefully their animals won't kill any more of your critters. If that was happening to me...I'd have to say some dogs might go missing....;) Guess Rover ran away huh?!


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
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Leggett, Tx
ok, so I'm venting.

On Monday on my way home (approx 6:30 pm) I get a call from my mother wanting to know if I was aware of the book that my DD was reading for school. I said not really. So she tells me that they are reading I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings and the tells me that although she (my mom) hasn't gotten very far in the book (she started reading it when she found out about it) but she did know there was an 8 year old who got violated. I told my mom that I would buy and read the book first before I said anything to the teacher.

Well, last night I bought the book and read the parts about the rape scene (there is also a masturbuation scene). I was appalled that this would be selected as reading material for 10 year olds. I sent the teacher an email this morning (and had several co-workers read it to make sure it wasn't offensive in any way) asking why was this book chosen? did the teacher read this book before presenting it to the class and why wasn't a note sent home before hand letting the partents know the kids would be exposed to this? Well, the teacher was more upset about the fact that my mother told me than anything else. The teacher said she had read the book before hand and stopped the class at Chapter 10 (before anything really bad happens). She said this was another novel on the subject that they had been studying and see didn't see why a note should have been sent home. She told the children to tell their parents what they were reading. I told her it didn't matter who told me but the fact was that I didn't want my 10 year old to be reading about this. The teacher said To Kill A Mockingbird was the same type of material. I haven't read that book, but I will this weekend; however, I'm pretty sure it doesn't go into detail like how I Know Why does. Well, the phone call escalated because she kept talking over me instead of listening to me and I ended up hanging up on her. She again brought up the fact that my mother told me and that if my mother had an issue with my DD reading the book, then my mother should have said something to the teacher. My mother is in her class room at least once a day and if my mother had an issue, she should have said something. I told the teacher that this is not an issue for my mother to take up. It's an issue for the parent. I told her to leave my mother out of this. She said - well, your mother signs most of your daughter's papers anyway. And I said, so? I don't get home until almost 8 everynight. My mother is trying to help. I am aware of my daughter's hand outs and things that are going on. Then she said "oh well I know where these issues are coming from." when I tried to get her to explain that she again brought up my mother. So I hung up on her.

I know I shouldn't have hung up on her but I did. After I went outside and smoked 2 cigarettes and got my eye to stop twicthing I came back in and sent an email to the principal requesting a parent/teacher conference with the principal present. I briefly stated in the email what the issue was and said I would be glad to take the day off work to attend a parent/teacher conference.

I am still so pissed.

(1) why, as a teacher, would you pick a book for the class to read knowing you aren't going to finish it.
(2) why couldn't a simple note be sent home explaining her game plan? just because she stopped the class from reading at page 10, how does she know all the kids stopped? they were allowed to take it home.
(3) why does it matter who told me about the book?
(4) you teach in a very close minded community. If the "general public" finds out a teacher gave the kids a kids about an 8 year old getting raped, it's not going to turn out well. Yes, this is a very well written and thought provoking book; however, the "general public" is not going to go out like I did and buy the book. All they are going to care about is the 8 year old getting raped.
(5) you wanted a book that dealt with the topics you were studying. Aren't there tons of other books out there? One that the kids could have actually finished??
(6) what exactly is the point of reading an autobiography if you aren't going to finish it.

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
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Hanna, IN
Wow, at 10 years old, there is no way I would let my son read that book!! :rant He and I have had the basic sex talk because he is an early bloomer, but the topics of rape and masturbating are things we have not discussed and I bet most of the kids in his class are less enlightened than he is. What is she thinking?! Is she a young/new teacher or is this women experienced?

To Kill a Mockingbird is not that graphic, but is well beyond the scope of a ten year old's understanding (that book is way over their heads and probably should not be taught until at the least 7th grade---I teach it at the 10th grade level). Good for going over her head and I would recommend bringing in a second person to sit with you as well. It does involve a trial in which a black man is falsely accused of rape, and there are issues of racism in the book (uses some words you might not be ready for your child to learn), but it does not elaborate on the supposed rape.


Loving the herd life
Aug 18, 2011
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Salt Lake Valley
You are doing the right thing. I don't think a book like that should be used in an elemtary classroom. Maybe not any classroom. Like Pearce said To Kill A Mocking Bird is at least Jr. high content (by the way it is a favorite of mine) I would think that for that age group there has to be a better choice. The book Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry is used in 6th grade classrooms here. I know your daughter is a little younger than that but it is more age appropratie than I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings. Please take someone with you when you go meet with the teacher/principle so that you have a witness if anything goes wrong. :hugs We are here for you.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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You might also take the book with in case the principal hasn't read it recently or ever, and show the him/her the parts you are specifically objecting to....I was a voracious reader as a child, always reading ahead if we were reading a class book/study.....I would also want to know how the story ended if I was reading halfway through a book.


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
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Leggett, Tx
oh, well now it just gets worse. The teacher pulled my mother out of my mother's classroom Wednesday and accused me of threatening her!!! I told my mother (and later showed her the email) that I had 3 different people read the email before I sent just to make sure I didn't come across with an attitude or accusatory or confrontational in anyway. In no way, shape or form, did I threaten her, mention the principal, or threaten running to the principal. I told her I didn't like the fact that this was exposed to my daughter, why I didn't like it, and asked why was it chosen, could my daughter read another book if something like this was chosen again and could I please receive notice beforehand.

My mother is now mad at me for causing issues. I freaking swear, it is times like these that make me regret moving back home. I took my mother the email. I said you read it. My mother said, I don't care, I just want it to go away. I said, well, then you should have never told me. By now you would think she would know her daughter and the fact that I have a big mouth and will speak out when I think there is some type of wrong going on. She said she is tired and stressed. I said, I'm sorry, but you are not the only one who is tired and has a stressful job. Mind you, I'm almost 40 years old and I'm still seeking acceptance from my mother - you'd think after all the times I've been let down by her in the past, I would have learned by now.

So now we have a parent/teacher conference scheduled for Monday with the teacher, the principal, my mother, and me. Yeah, this is going to go well. I damn well plan on bringing up the fact that she told my mother I threatened her. I work for attorneys and have for the past 15 years - I know better than to threaten someone - ESPECIALLY in writing. She is pissed because I am questioning her choices. At this point, I don't care if I put her or my mother on the spot in front of the principal, but I'll be damned if someone says I threatened them. Either she's lying or my mother is and I'll find out. I will also bring up the fact that if any teacher has an issue with me and/or my child, she will come to me and not go to my mother. This has happened several times in the past with different issues - although it is helpful to have my mother knowing what's going on, it's also biting me in the ass. My mother is one of the biggest gossipers in that school and this is just more gossip for her. My mother should have said I don't want to talk to you when the other teacher approached her, but but she didn't - why because my mother must always know what's going on. I've found out from others that my mother is one of the first to say bad things about me and I'm getting pretty sick of it.

This is the teachers first year at this school. I don't know if it's her first year teaching or not.

There will definitely be questions asked about the school have approved reading lists and why hasn't this been done in the past so things like this doesn't happen. I am also questioning why she even introduced the book to the class knowing she wasn't going to let them finish it. - why in the world would you do that? ? I will be taking a list of questions with me and issues that I would like to address.

I'll be taking the entire day off (since I live so far away). I'll update y'all Tuesday - if you don't hear from me it's because I've had to go into hiding. I will also be reading To Kill A Mockingbird this weekend to make sure I know the differences and yes, that book is also a little intense for 10 year olds.


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
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Leggett, Tx
here's the scene that I saw last night when I went to close up the chickens - one of these is not like the others :)



New Member
Aug 8, 2011
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Vickir73 said:
here's the scene that I saw last night when I went to close up the chickens - one of these is not like the others :)
:yuckyuck Now you've got the Sesame Street song in my head :he "One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong..."

Hope it all works out with the teacher conference. We have one today with Logan's teacher to discuss his report card, what we can do to help him at home, and likely his behavior as well. DHs mom has already told him to not attack the teacher! :/


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
my mom just called. Jack is loose . . . again. I told her this morning I took one of those heavy duty construction type, silver chains and chained him to a 6 inch, 20 foot tree (of course with hay and water handy). She said, oh yeah? well, he's been out all day. In fact, he tried to chase of the guy from the electric company.:th Great. instead of a guard dog, I have a guard goat. freakin goat.

come hell or high water I am finishing his new house this weekend (it's supposed to rain Sunday) so I can get him moved into the new fence. Although since I still have 2 sides of that to replace, I'm not sure how long it will hold him. I can't electrify it until I replace it. There are too many breaks in the older portion of the fence. I don't think it would hold a charge. I may just have to rig it for right now. freakin goat.

oh and my Masey is walking around and moving like she's already miserable and she's not due until April 16th. I'm thinking (and hoping) at least 2 and, of course, both of them girls. 'course last season I was hoping for all girls and I got all boys, so maybe I should hope for all boys :bow


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
ok I was out of the office Monday and Tuesday so I will try to catch everyone up on my happenings. - boss is being difficult this morning, so I'm not sure if I will get to finish or not.

finished Jack's new house. will try to post pics. he's not happy being moved and I'm sure it's just a matter of time before he figures out how to jump the old fence, but hopefully I can get it replaced before he figures it out.

Monday I had the conference with the principal and DD's teacher. Teacher had an entirely different attitude with the principal there. Even said she didn't tell my mother that she said I threatened her (My mother was sick and didn't attend - or I think she just didn't want to attend so she made out to be a lot sicker than she was - come to find out she was at school, just didn't tell anyone until after the conference was over - thanks for the support mom)

Anyway, I got the issue settled. The principal apologized profusely and said they dropped the ball on those 2 books (she included To Kill A Mockingbird in our discussion) and the school would begin working on updating their reading lists).

This weekend we got a lot done!! We got Jack's new house finished and we've put him in the new pen - he's not happy, but for the time being he can't get out. We also made broody boxes for a couple of hens. I put 13 eggs under a hen last night, so hopefully she'll hatch out at least half. I put at least 6 maran eggs under her. I'm very interested to see if any of those will hatch out.

Noticed that my small doe, Dafni was not looking well Sunday night when we fed. She looked like she had lost a lot of weight and her 'back end' was very wet. By Monday noticed a discharge. I didn't know if she was in heat or miscarrying, as when she's gone into heat before she has a slight discharge. Well, as the day progressed she began squatting quite a bit - like she was trying to push. By Monday night she had quite a bit of blood passing. It wasn't gushing, but as she was standing there eating, it was dripping out. A friend of mine said go get her some raspberry tea and get her to drink that as it might help her pass any afterbirth if she was miscarrying. By Monday night she had also developed a snotty nose. Tuesday morning I decided to take her into the vet's office in case she had developed a secondary infection as her snotty nose had gotten worse. He did confirm a miscarriage. He could not feel any baby, so he said she had either passed it or reabsorbed it. He did give her 4 cc of penicillin and give me some to administer every other day for 3 doses. Since the weather is very soggy and cooler, we have been keeping her separated at night under a heat lamp.

I've decided not to breed her again. I think she's just too small for what I want. I think if she could breed to something smaller it would be ok, but after she recovers I'm going to find a new home for her.

Got home from the vet yesterday and then spent an hour cleaning out the mess she left in the car :) and then took a nice long hot shower. I said, I'll finally get to take a nap. Just as I am stepping out of the shower, my sister calls. She's been in an accident could I come help? Everyone is ok, but I didn't get home until 2. The kids were due home by 3:30. Needless to say, a day of rest I did not get. but isn't that how it goes?? for me anyway, I usually work harder on my days off than I do when I'm at the office.


jack checking out the new digs

Jack is not sure he likes it


complete!! I think I could even fit a kid or two in it

broody boxes

this is with the outside flap closed. We added a flap on the outside to help keep them warm during the winter, but to give them a good air flow during the summer. It was like a furnace in that coop during the summer, but as soon as I opened up the next boxed - voila!! it helped tremendously but then I discovered during the winter it gets too cold - so, thus, the flaps

since we added Jack to the chicken run, we had to add chicken doors to the main coop doors so the chickens could get in and out, but Jack couldn't get in. Boots likes it