Southern by choice
Herd Master
I think parents know their children better than anyone else and it is a very individual decision. Personally if a parent decides it is not the time than the parent makes that decision.
I understand OFA.
You know your daughter better than anyone and you get to make those decisions.
Our family because of our heritage does things a little different.
Overnight everything can change ... last night in France immediately following the attacks they started going door to door collecting up guns...everyone's.
Remember how many things are passed into law due to the most immediate crisis... there is a saying..
"never let a crisis go to waste"
History repeats itself... I think of Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, the list goes on ... then I look at America and see where she is heading....
I look at the many that say death to Israel and America.
Like @norseofcourse said quoting Corrie Ten Boom... the parent knew what could be carried and what could not.
I think France is a trial run... you see many of those coming in can now get to the US easily.
For those of us that pray.. Pray for France Israel, US.
I understand OFA.
Our family because of our heritage does things a little different.
Overnight everything can change ... last night in France immediately following the attacks they started going door to door collecting up guns...everyone's.
Remember how many things are passed into law due to the most immediate crisis... there is a saying..
"never let a crisis go to waste"
History repeats itself... I think of Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, the list goes on ... then I look at America and see where she is heading....
I look at the many that say death to Israel and America.
Like @norseofcourse said quoting Corrie Ten Boom... the parent knew what could be carried and what could not.
I think France is a trial run... you see many of those coming in can now get to the US easily.
For those of us that pray.. Pray for France Israel, US.