Viva la France


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
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Anderson, CA
Our family did a whirlwind trip through England, France, Holland, Switzerland, and Germany in 2002. Everything that I had heard about the French and the way they treat Americans was true. Paris is a beautiful and interesting city but I couldn't wait to leave. And the food was :sick But outside of Paris people were much nicer but no one would try to talk to us and they all thought that we should know French, even though most of them spoke English. The other countries were more than happy to converse with us how ever they could.

Of course I am not saying they earned this or deserved this but the strained relationship between US and France doesn't seem to be limited to just the people in power.

I am proud (most of the time) to live in a country that is willing to put aside the differences and lend aide when we can.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
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Anderson, CA
@OneFineAcre I find it heart touching that you feel so deeply about keeping your daughter's innocence; it is rare these days that parent's care and even rarer still that a father cares. I worked in a public school and the things that many children know at very young and impressionable ages are astounding and heart breaking. Most of it they learned at home watching TV and many a parent is clueless how it can affect their child.

When my boys were about 7 and 9 my DH liked to watch the Simpsons on TV and I didn't want the boys to see it. My oldest would tell his little brother "we have to go play in our room now, Dad wants to watch the Simpsons." Used to make me smile but I really think that that show wasn't fit for DH either. :lol: The world today, entertainment and the news, makes me thankful that my boys are grown.

My hat goes off to your concern and your efforts; keep up the good work.


Herd Master
Jun 21, 2015
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Oh, ya they did so that was an importance, I also think they helped us recover from 9/11


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
My condolences and sympathy go out to the French people as they deal with another episode of terrorism on their soil.

The French oligarchy is primarily socialist/communist in nature and therefore dislike America for its freedoms (among other "issues"). Parisians and those members of the "upper crust" (which should NOT exist in a socialist environment... go figure) in general tend to despise us as their country lost world dominance and prominence after several world wars. When I was a child, learning the French language in school was almost mandatory. At that time, French was the most common first or second language the world over. That is no longer the case... another reason to dislike America...

They (French govt) have not supported us in virtually anything over the past 1/2 century, and in fact in several instances have actively worked toward thwarting our goals. They are our allies and friends ONLY when they have something substantial to gain from such a relationship. Other than that, they (the elite & those in power) despise us.

Of course, as with many other nations and governments, we as a nation will continue to help them financially and with man power any time they have a problem or experience a disaster such as what they are dealing with now. Of course, fighting terrorism is in EVERYONE'S best interest, be they (terrorist targets) friendly to us or not.

Quoted from

"The project is traced to a conversation between Édouard René de Laboulaye, a staunch abolitionist and Frédéric Bartholdi, a sculptor in mid-1865... With the abolition of slavery and the Union's victory in the Civil War in 1865, Laboulaye's wishes of freedom and democracy (in France) were turning into a reality in the United States. In order to honor these achievements, Laboulaye proposed that a gift be built for the United States on behalf of France. Laboulaye hoped that by calling attention to the recent achievements of the United States, the French people would be inspired to call for their own democracy in the face of a repressive monarchy... The copper statue, designed by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, a French sculptor, was built by Gustave Eiffel and dedicated on October 28, 1886. It was a gift to the United States from the people of France."

So in reality, lady liberty was not so much originated as a welcome of immigrants to America as it was a statement of congratulations for the union winning the civil war and abolishing slavery, hence "liberty"..


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
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East Texas
Ah yes--Fra-aaww-nce.
One has only to hearken back to Charles de Gaulle, the French leader that ran like a scalded dog when the Germans invaded his country, then (from the relative safety of London) exhorted his countrymen back in France to carry on the fight. (what a guy!!) The guy that initiated 'politics of grandeur' and pulled France out of the NATO alliance and we must remember the French invention of 'Exorbitant privilege' and their reprisal against the US for it, which nearly bankrupted the US Treasury and led directly to the loss of the US gold standard.
Fraawnce, and Gay Paree (not that there's anything wrong with that) --where they eat snails and openly pee in the streets. (been there--saw it--even the women did it) Perhaps someday, they will get over the fact that they failed miserably in back to back world wars, failed in building of the Panama Canal, and the USA had to bail them out of all 3 and show them how it's done. Someday--but not in any of our lifetimes.
(Don't get me started on Fraawnce's complicity with Germany in forming the European Union, primarily for the purpose of eonomically bringing down the USA. That's the thanks we get for saving France twice in the same century, and rebuilding German instead of handing the whole of it over to Joe Stalin at the end of WW2)

I hate tho, that they were attacked in such a cowardly way, and I am saddened by the loss of life, and pray for those now in hospital.


Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
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Zebulon, NC
@OneFineAcre I find it heart touching that you feel so deeply about keeping your daughter's innocence; it is rare these days that parent's care and even rarer still that a father cares. I worked in a public school and the things that many children know at very young and impressionable ages are astounding and heart breaking. Most of it they learned at home watching TV and many a parent is clueless how it can affect their child.

When my boys were about 7 and 9 my DH liked to watch the Simpsons on TV and I didn't want the boys to see it. My oldest would tell his little brother "we have to go play in our room now, Dad wants to watch the Simpsons." Used to make me smile but I really think that that show wasn't fit for DH either. :lol: The world today, entertainment and the news, makes me thankful that my boys are grown.

My hat goes off to your concern and your efforts; keep up the good work.
That's.a nice thing to say

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