Self Sufficient Queen
I thought that way, too, until the evil feed tub almost killed my doeling....she ended up stuck upside-down in it and couldn't get out, and was there for hours. Fluke, probably, but I can't stand the site of the tub now....and it is a gorgeous rubber tub!
My ground is very dry, and I raked the feeding area (outside) and had no disease or parasite issues in several years of doing this. It really depends on the area. I am on many feet of sand with ridiculously fast drainage. Even if you don't feed on the ground, they have their little mouths vacuuming up stuff all day long anyways.
I hear ya, but.....each situation is different.
Hey, how about using a rubber stall mat that you can sweep off every day? That might keep the horse from taking in sand, too. And could be left outside.
My ground is very dry, and I raked the feeding area (outside) and had no disease or parasite issues in several years of doing this. It really depends on the area. I am on many feet of sand with ridiculously fast drainage. Even if you don't feed on the ground, they have their little mouths vacuuming up stuff all day long anyways.
I hear ya, but.....each situation is different.
Hey, how about using a rubber stall mat that you can sweep off every day? That might keep the horse from taking in sand, too. And could be left outside.